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errinfo(1m) [osx man page]

errinfo(1m)							   USER COMMANDS						       errinfo(1m)

errinfo - print errno for syscall fails. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
errinfo [-a|-A|-hsvZ] [-c command] DESCRIPTION
errinfo snoops syscall failures and prints the errno value and description of the error number. This program can help determine if applications are silently failing, providing some details on the cause. Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. OPTIONS
-c counts - print an aggregate style report containing a frequency count of errors -p PID examine this PID only -n name examine processes with ths name only (eg, "ls") EXAMPLES
Default output, print errors as they occur, # errinfo Print a frequency count report, # errinfo -c Snoop errors as they occur for "ssh" processes, # errinfo -n ssh PP Snoop errors for PID 81 only, # errinfo -p 81 FIELDS
EXEC Program name (truncated) SYSCALL System call name ERR Value of errno DESC Description of errno message DOCUMENTATION
See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
errinfo will run forever until Ctrl-C is hit. FILES
/usr/include/sys/errno.h Contains the full descriptions for the error numbers. AUTHOR
Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] SEE ALSO
dtrace(1M), truss(1) version 1.10 May 14, 2005 errinfo(1m)

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errinfo(1m)							   USER COMMANDS						       errinfo(1m)

errinfo - print errno for syscall fails. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
errinfo [-a|-A|-hsvZ] [-c command] DESCRIPTION
errinfo snoops syscall failures and prints the errno value and description of the error number. This program can help determine if applications are silently failing, providing some details on the cause. Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. OPTIONS
-c counts - print an aggregate style report containing a frequency count of errors -p PID examine this PID only -n name examine processes with ths name only (eg, "ls") EXAMPLES
Default output, print errors as they occur, # errinfo Print a frequency count report, # errinfo -c Snoop errors as they occur for "ssh" processes, # errinfo -n ssh PP Snoop errors for PID 81 only, # errinfo -p 81 FIELDS
EXEC Program name (truncated) SYSCALL System call name ERR Value of errno DESC Description of errno message DOCUMENTATION
See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
errinfo will run forever until Ctrl-C is hit. FILES
/usr/include/sys/errno.h Contains the full descriptions for the error numbers. AUTHOR
Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] SEE ALSO
dtrace(1M), truss(1) version 1.10 May 14, 2005 errinfo(1m)
Man Page

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