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xbssnapshot(1) [osx man page]

XBSSNAPSHOT(1)							   CoreXBS Tools						    XBSSNAPSHOT(1)

xbssnapshot - CoreXBS snapshot utility SYNOPSIS
xbssnapshot fetch [--[no]live] [--age hours] [--[no]xpc] train_name xbssnapshot authcheck [--timeout seconds] train_name DESCRIPTION
In the 1st form, xbssnapshot is used to obtain a snapshot of Cortex for train_name. A cache of snapshots is maintained in a directory, which may or may not be used in addition to consulting the Cortex servers depending on command line OPTIONS specified. If successful, a file URL of a suitable snasphot is printed to STDOUT. On failure, a description of the failure is printed to STDERR. In the 2nd form, xbssnapshot is used to check connectivity to the Cortex servers for train_name and determine if AppleConnect (Single Sign-On) credentials will be required to obtain a snapshot. If the Cortex server can be reached, YES is printed to STDOUT if SSO authenti- cation is required and NO is printed if not. On failure (including not being able to reach the Cortex servers), a description of the fail- ure is printed to STDERR. OPTIONS
--live Force xbssnapshot to bypass the snapshot cache directory and fetch data from Cortex. --nolive Force xbssnapshot to not fetch data from Cortex and only use the snapshot cache directory. --age hours When considering if a snapshot found in the snapshot cache directory is "new enough", only accept snapshots that are less than hours old. --xpc Use XPC service when fetching data from Cortex. This is the default. --noxpc Bypass XPC service when fetching data from Cortex. --timeout seconds When performing connectivity test with Cortex server(s), how long to wait before assuming no connectivity to a given Cortex server. RETURN VALUES
Returns 0 on success, and non-zero on failure. ENVIRONMENT
CTXHost May be set to the hostname of a specific Cortex server. This is mainly only useful to the developers. CTXPort May be set to specific port to connect to CTXHost on (does nothing unless CTXHost is also set). This is mainly only useful to the developers. FILES
/Library/Caches/ Directory where snapshots are cached. /var/log/system.log CoreXBS framework and XPC services log here. grep CoreXBS /var/log/system.log may show additional information above and beyond what xbssnapshot prints on it's own. BUGS
If you encounter issues with xbssnapshot, please file a Radar. Component is "CBL - CoreXBS|X". Please include the following information, if possible: 1. Output of xbssnapshot, including command line it was invoked with. 2. Output of ls -lh /Library/Caches/ 3. Output of grep CoreXBS /var/log/system.log 4. If a snapshot was fetched, a copy of the snapshot. AUTHOR
Problems with xbssnapshot should be addressed via Radar (see BUGS). For discussion and advice from other users please subscribe to The maintainers of xbssnapshot are Suggestions and comments are always welcome! Core Build Technologies March 2013 XBSSNAPSHOT(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

BB-SNAPSHOT.CGI(1)					      General Commands Manual						BB-SNAPSHOT.CGI(1)

bb-snapshot.cgi - CGI program to rebuild the Xymon webpages for a specific point in time. SYNOPSIS
bb-snapshot.cgi DESCRIPTION
bb-snapshot.cgi is invoked as a CGI script via the CGI wrapper. It rebuilds the Xymon web pages to the look they had at a particular point in time, based upon the historical information logged about events. bb-snapshot.cgi is passed a QUERY_STRING environment variable with the following parameters: mon (Start month of the snapshot) day (Start day-of-month of the snapshot) yr (Start year of the snapshot) hour (Start hour of the snapshot) min (Start minute of the snapshot) sec (Start second of the snapshot) The "month" parameters must be specified as the three-letter english month name abbreviation: Jan, Feb, Mar ... "day" must be in the range 1..31; "yr" must be specified including century (e.g. "2003"). "hour" must be specified using a 24-hour clock. All of the processing involved in generating the report is done by invoking bbgen(1) with the proper "--snapshot" option. OPTIONS
--env=FILENAME Load environment from FILENAME before executing the CGI. bbgen-options All options except "--env" are passed on to the bbgen(1) program building the snapshot files. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
BBGENSNAPOPTS bbgen options passed by default to the bb-snapshot.cgi script. This happens in the CGI wrapper script. BBHOME Home directory of the Xymon server files BBSNAP Directory where generated snapshots are stored. This directory must be writable by the userid executing the CGI script, typically "www", "apache" or "nobody". Default: $BBHOME/www/snap/ BBSNAPURL The URL prefix to use when accessing the reports via a browser. Default: $BBWEB/snap SEE ALSO
bbgen(1), bb-hosts(5), hobbitserver.cfg(5) Xymon Version 4.2.3: 4 Feb 2009 BB-SNAPSHOT.CGI(1)
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