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what(1) [osx man page]

WHAT(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   WHAT(1)

what -- show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file SYNOPSIS
what name ... DESCRIPTION
what reads each file name and searches for sequences of the form ``@(#)'', as inserted by the source code control system. It prints the remainder of the string following this marker, up to a null character, newline, double quote, or ``> character.'' BUGS
As BSD is not licensed to distribute SCCS. This is a rewrite of the what command which is part of SCCS; it may not behave in exactly the same manner as that command does. HISTORY
The what command appeared in 4.0BSD. 4th Berkeley Distribution June 6, 1993 4th Berkeley Distribution

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VIPW(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   VIPW(8)

vipw -- edit the password file SYNOPSIS
Vipw edits the password file after setting the appropriate locks, and does any necessary processing after the password file is unlocked. If the password file is already locked for editing by another user, vipw will ask you to try again later. The default editor for vipw is vi(1). Vipw performs a number of consistency checks on the password entries, and will not allow a password file with a ``mangled'' entry to be installed. If vipw rejects the new password file, the user is prompted to re-enter the edit session. Once the information has been verified, vipw uses pwd_mkdb(8) to update the user database. This is run in the background, and, at very large sites could take several minutes. Until this update is completed, the password file is unavailable for other updates and the new information is not available to programs. ENVIRONMENT
If the following environment variable exists it will be utilized by vipw: EDITOR The editor specified by the string EDITOR will be invoked instead of the default editor vi(1). SEE ALSO
chpass(1), passwd(1), passwd(5), pwd_mkdb(8) HISTORY
The vipw command appeared in 4.0BSD. 4th Berkeley Distribution June 6, 1993 4th Berkeley Distribution
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