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wait4path(1) [osx man page]

WAIT4PATH(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      WAIT4PATH(1)

wait4path -- wait for given path to show up in the namespace SYNOPSIS
wait4path <path> DESCRIPTION
The wait4path program simply checks to see if the given path exists, and if so, it exits. Otherwise, it sleeps until the mount table is updated and checks again. The program will loop indefinitely until the path shows up in the file system namespace. Mac OS X 10.4 April 6, 2004 Mac OS X 10.4

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BRCTL(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  BRCTL(1)

brctl -- Manage the CloudDocs daemon SYNOPSIS
brctl <command> [command-options and arguments] DESCRIPTION
brctl understands the following commands: diagnose [options] [<diagnosis-output-path>] diagnose and collect logs -M,--collect-mobile-documents[=<container>] (default: all containers) -s,--sysdiagnose Do not collect what's already part of sysdiagnose -n,--name=<name> Change the device name [<diagnosis-output-path>] Specifies the output path of the diagnosis; -n becomes useless. download <path> download a local copy of the document at this path evict <path> evict the local copy of the document at this path log [options] [<command>] -c,--color[={yes,no}] turn on or off color use -d,--path=<logs-dir> use <logs-dir> instead of default -H,--home=<home-dir> use this as the ~ prefix, to look for ~/L/ -f,--filter=<predicate> only show lines matching predicate -m,--multiline[={yes,no}] turn on or off multiple line logging -n=<number> number of initial lines to display -p,--page use paging -w,--wait wait for new logs continuously (syslog -w) -t,--shorten Shorten UUIDs, paths, etc -s,--digest Only print digest logs dump [options] [<container>] dump the CloudDocs database -o,--output=<file-path> redirect output to <file-path> -d,--database-path=<db-path> Use the database at <db-path> [<container>] the container to be dumped monitor [options] <container> use NSMetadataQuery to monitor the container -S,--scope=<scope> restrict the NSMDQ scope to DOCS, DATA, or BOTH versions [options] <path> [ALL|etags...] list the non-local versions of the document at this path. -a,--all List all non-local versions including those that are locally cached SEE ALSO
bird(8) Mac OS May 31, 2019 Mac OS
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