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vis(1) [osx man page]

VIS(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						    VIS(1)

vis -- display non-printable characters in a visual format SYNOPSIS
vis [-cbflnostw] [-F foldwidth] [file ...] DESCRIPTION
The vis utility is a filter for converting non-printable characters into a visual representation. It differs from 'cat -v' in that the form is unique and invertible. By default, all non-graphic characters except space, tab, and newline are encoded. A detailed description of the various visual formats is given in vis(3). The options are as follows: -b Turns off prepending of backslash before up-arrow control sequences and meta characters, and disables the doubling of backslashes. This produces output which is neither invertible or precise, but does represent a minimum of change to the input. It is similar to ``cat -v''. -c Request a format which displays a small subset of the non-printable characters using C-style backslash sequences. -F Causes vis to fold output lines to foldwidth columns (default 80), like fold(1), except that a hidden newline sequence is used, (which is removed when inverting the file back to its original form with unvis(1)). If the last character in the encoded file does not end in a newline, a hidden newline sequence is appended to the output. This makes the output usable with various editors and other utilities which typically do not work with partial lines. -f Same as -F. -l Mark newlines with the visible sequence '$', followed by the newline. -n Turns off any encoding, except for the fact that backslashes are still doubled and hidden newline sequences inserted if -f or -F is selected. When combined with the -f flag, vis becomes like an invertible version of the fold(1) utility. That is, the output can be unfolded by running the output through unvis(1). -o Request a format which displays non-printable characters as an octal number, ddd. -s Only characters considered unsafe to send to a terminal are encoded. This flag allows backspace, bell, and carriage return in addi- tion to the default space, tab and newline. -t Tabs are also encoded. -w White space (space-tab-newline) is also encoded. SEE ALSO
unvis(1), vis(3) HISTORY
The vis command appeared in 4.4BSD. BUGS
Due to limitations in the underlying vis(3) function, the vis utility does not recognize multibyte characters, and thus may consider them to be non-printable when they are in fact printable (and vice versa). BSD
June 25, 2004 BSD

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vis(1)							      General Commands Manual							    vis(1)

vis, inv - make unprintable and non-ASCII characters in a file visible or invisible SYNOPSIS
file ... file ... DESCRIPTION
reads characters from each file in sequence and writes them to the standard output, converting those that are not printable or not ASCII into a visible form. inv performs the inverse function, reading printable characters from each file, returning them to non-printable or non-ASCII form, if appropriate, then writing them to standard output; Non-printable ASCII characters are represented using C-like escape conventions: backslash backspace escape form-feed new-line carriage return space horizontal tab vertical tab the character whose ASCII code is the 3-digit octal number n. the character whose ASCII code is the 2-digit hexadecimal number n. Non-ASCII single- or multi-byte characters are examined one byte at a time. For each byte, if it can be displayed as an ASCII character, it is treated as if it is an ASCII character; Otherwise, it is represented in the following conventions: the 8-bit character whose code value is the 3-digit octal number n. the 8-bit character whose code value is the 2-digit hexadecimal number n. Space, horizontal-tab, and new-line characters can be treated as printable (and therefore passed unaltered to the output) or non-printable depending on the options selected. Backslash, although printable, is expanded by vis, to a pair of backslashes so that when they are passed back through inv, they convert back to a single backslash. If no input file is given, or if the argument is encountered, and inv read from the standard input. Options and recognize the following options: Treat new-line, space, and horizontal tab as non-printable characters. expands them visibly as and rather than passing them directly to the output. discards these characters, expecting only the printable expansions. New-line characters are inserted by every 16 bytes so that the output will be in a form that is usable by most editors. Make and silent about non-existent files, identical input and output, and write errors. Normally, no input file can be the same as the output file unless it is a special file. Treat horizontal-tab and space characters as non-printable in the same manner that treats them. Cause output to be unbuffered (byte-by-byte); normally, output is buffered. Cause output to be in hexadecimal form rather than the default octal form. Either form is accepted to as input. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES
Environment Variables determines the language in which messages are displayed. International Code Set Support Single- and multi-byte character code sets are supported. WARNINGS
Redirecting output to an input file destroys the original data. Therefore, command forms such as should be avoided unless the source file can be safely discarded. AUTHOR
was developed by HP. SEE ALSO
cat(1), echo(1), od(1). vis(1)
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