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uuidgen(1) [osx man page]

UUIDGEN(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						UUIDGEN(1)

uuidgen -- generates new UUID strings SYNOPSIS
uuidgen [-hdr] DESCRIPTION
The uuidgen command generates a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID), a 128-bit value guaranteed to be unique over both space and time. The following options are available: -hdr Emit CoreFoundation CFUUID-based source code for using the uuid in a header. RETURN VALUE
The UUID is printed to standard output as a hyphen-punctuated ASCII string of the form: EEF45689-BBE5-4FB6-9E80-41B78F6578E2 (in printf(3) format "%08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%012X"), unless the -hdr option is given, in which case a fragment of source code is output. Mac OS X July 1, 2005 Mac OS X

Check Out this Related Man Page

UUIDGEN(1)						      General Commands Manual							UUIDGEN(1)

uuidgen - command-line utility to create a new UUID value SYNOPSIS
uuidgen [ -r | -t ] DESCRIPTION
The uuidgen program creates a new universally unique identifier (UUID) using the libuuid(3) library. The new UUID can reasonably be con- sidered unique among all UUIDs created on the local system, and among UUIDs created on other systems in the past and in the future. There are two types of UUID's which uuidgen can generate: time-based UUID's and random-based UUID's. By default uuidgen will generate a random-based UUID if a high-quality random number generator is present. Otherwise, it will chose a time-based UUID. It is possible to force the generation of one of these two UUID types by using the -r or -t options. OPTIONS
-r Generate a random-based UUID. This method creates a UUID consisting mostly of random bits. It requires that the operating system have a high quality random number generator, such as /dev/random. -t Generate a time-based UUID. This method creates a UUID based on the system clock plus the system's ethernet hardware address, if present. RETURN VALUE
The UUID of the form 1b4e28ba-2fa1-11d2-883f-b9a761bde3fb (in printf(3) format "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x") is output to the standard out- put. CONFORMING TO
uuidgen was written by Andreas Dilger for libuuid. AVAILABILITY
uuidgen is part of libuuid from the e2fsprogs package and is available from SEE ALSO
libuuid(3) E2fsprogs version 1.32 November 2002 UUIDGEN(1)
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