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time(1) [osx man page]

TIME(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   TIME(1)

time -- time command execution SYNOPSIS
time [-lp] utility DESCRIPTION
The time utility executes and times utility. After the utility finishes, time writes the total time elapsed, the time consumed by system overhead, and the time used to execute utility to the standard error stream. Times are reported in seconds. Available options: -l The contents of the rusage structure are printed. -p The output is formatted as specified by IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2''). The csh(1) has its own and syntactically different builtin version of time. The utility described here is available as /usr/bin/time to csh users. DIAGNOSTICS
The time utility shall exit with one of the following values: 1-125 An error occurred in the time utility. 126 The utility was found but could not be invoked. 127 The utility could not be found. Otherwise, the exit status of time shall be that of utility. SEE ALSO
csh(1), getrusage(2) FILES
/usr/include/sys/resource.h STANDARDS
The time utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2''). BUGS
The granularity of seconds on microprocessors is crude and can result in times being reported for CPU usage which are too large by a second. BSD
June 6, 1993 BSD

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TIME(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   TIME(1)

time -- time command execution SYNOPSIS
time [-al] [-h | -p] [-o file] utility [argument ...] DESCRIPTION
The time utility executes and times the specified utility. After the utility finishes, time writes to the standard error stream, (in sec- onds): the total time elapsed, the time used to execute the utility process and the time consumed by system overhead. Available options: -a If the -o flag is used, append to the specified file rather than overwriting it. Otherwise, this option has no effect. -h Print times in a human friendly format. Times are printed in minutes, hours, etc. as appropriate. -l The contents of the rusage structure are printed as well. -o file Write the output to file instead of stderr. If file exists and the -a flag is not specified, the file will be overwritten. -p Makes time output POSIX.2 compliant (each time is printed on its own line). Some shells may provide a builtin time command which is similar or identical to this utility. Consult the builtin(1) manual page. ENVIRONMENT
The PATH environment variable is used to locate the requested utility if the name contains no '/' characters. DIAGNOSTICS
If utility could be timed successfully, its exit status is returned. If utility terminated abnormally, a warning message is output to stderr. If the utility was found but could not be run, the exit status is 126. If no utility could be found at all, the exit status is 127. If time encounters any other error, the exit status is between 1 and 125 included. SEE ALSO
builtin(1), csh(1), getrusage(2), wait(2) STANDARDS
The time utility is expected to conform to ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993 (``POSIX''). HISTORY
A time command appeared in Version 3 AT&T UNIX. BSD
June 6, 1993 BSD
Man Page

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