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sysdiagnose(1) [osx man page]

sysdiagnose(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					    sysdiagnose(1)

sysdiagnose -- gathers system-wide diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance issues. SYNOPSIS
sysdiagnose -h sysdiagnose [-f results_directory] [-t] [-q] [-b] [process_name | pid] DESCRIPTION
sysdiagnose tool gathers system diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance issues. A great deal of information is harvested, spanning system state and configuration. sysdiagnose needs to be run as root. sysdiagnose can be triggered upon pressing a spe- cial key chord; this is currently Control-Option-Command-Shift-Period. What sysdiagnose Collects: o A spindump of the system o Several seconds of fs_usage ouput o Several seconds of top output o Data about kernel zones o Status of loaded kernel extensions o Resident memory usage of user processes o All system logs, kernel logs, opendirectory log, windowserver log, and log of power management events o A System Profiler report o All spin and crash reports o Disk usage information o I/O Kit registry information o Network status o If a specific process is supplied as an argument: list of malloc-allocated buffers in the process's heap is collected o If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about unreferenced malloc buffers in the process's memory is collected o If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about the virtual memory regions allocated in the process OPTIONS
-h Print full usage. -f results_directory Specify the directory where the results will be stored. The default results directory is /var/tmp. -q Skips calling footprint. -t Enable "Thorough Mode". See below. -b Do not show the resulting archive in a Finder window upon completion. process_name | pid If a single process appears to be slowing down the system, passing in the process name or ID as the argument gathers additional process-specific diagnostic data. THOROUGH MODE
sysdiagnose can be run in a "Thorough Mode" in which standard data is gathered as well as a kernel trace. Enabling "Thorough Mode" for the command-line sysdiagnose and key-chord sysdiagnose are independent and are performed as follows: For "Thorough Mode" in the command-line sysdiagnose use the "-t" flag. To enable "Thorough Mode" for special key-chord launches of sysdiagnose execute "touch /var/tmp/.thoroughsysdiagnose" To disable "Thorough Mode" for special key-chord launches of sysdiagnose execute "rm /var/tmp/.thoroughsysdiagnose" Note: Gathering the kernel trace can increase the size of sysdiagnose output by hundreds of MB as well as increase the time for sysdiagnose to com- plete. EXIT STATUS
sysdiagnose exits with status 0 if there were no internal errors encountered during the diagnostic, or >0 when an error unrelated to external state occurs or unusable input is provided by the user. Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin

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brctl -- Manage the CloudDocs daemon SYNOPSIS
brctl <command> [command-options and arguments] DESCRIPTION
brctl understands the following commands: diagnose [options] [<diagnosis-output-path>] diagnose and collect logs -M,--collect-mobile-documents[=<container>] (default: all containers) -s,--sysdiagnose Do not collect what's already part of sysdiagnose -n,--name=<name> Change the device name [<diagnosis-output-path>] Specifies the output path of the diagnosis; -n becomes useless. download <path> download a local copy of the document at this path evict <path> evict the local copy of the document at this path log [options] [<command>] -c,--color[={yes,no}] turn on or off color use -d,--path=<logs-dir> use <logs-dir> instead of default -H,--home=<home-dir> use this as the ~ prefix, to look for ~/L/ -f,--filter=<predicate> only show lines matching predicate -m,--multiline[={yes,no}] turn on or off multiple line logging -n=<number> number of initial lines to display -p,--page use paging -w,--wait wait for new logs continuously (syslog -w) -t,--shorten Shorten UUIDs, paths, etc -s,--digest Only print digest logs dump [options] [<container>] dump the CloudDocs database -o,--output=<file-path> redirect output to <file-path> -d,--database-path=<db-path> Use the database at <db-path> [<container>] the container to be dumped monitor [options] <container> use NSMetadataQuery to monitor the container -S,--scope=<scope> restrict the NSMDQ scope to DOCS, DATA, or BOTH versions [options] <path> [ALL|etags...] list the non-local versions of the document at this path. -a,--all List all non-local versions including those that are locally cached SEE ALSO
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