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SWIG(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   SWIG(1)

swig - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator SYNOPSIS
swig [options] file DESCRIPTION
The swig command is used to create wrapper code to connect C and C++ code to scripting languages like Perl, Python, etc. from the defini- tion of the interface. For detailed information on writing those interface definitions please refer to /usr/share/doc/swig-doc/Man- ual/index.html from the swig-doc package. This manpage concentrates on explaining the invocation of the swig command. OPTIONS
Target Language Options: -chicken Generate CHICKEN wrappers -csharp Generate C# wrappers -guile Generate Guile wrappers -java Generate Java wrappers -mzscheme Generate Mzscheme wrappers -ocaml Generate Ocaml wrappers -perl Generate Perl wrappers. -php Generate PHP wrappers -pike Generate Pike wrappers -python Generate Python wrappers -ruby Generate Ruby wrappers -sexp Generate Lisp S-Expressions wrappers -tcl Generate Tcl wrappers -xml Generate XML wrappers. General Options -c++ Enable C++ processing -co Check a file out of the SWIG library -dirprot Turn on wrapping of protected members for director classes -Dsymbol Define a symbol symbol (for conditional compilation) -E Preprocess only, does not generate wrapper code -fcompact Compile in compact mode -fvirtual Compile in virtual elimination mode -Fstandard Display error/warning messages in commonly used format -Fmicrosoft Display error/warning messages in Microsoft format -help Show a summary of supported options and especially of supported options for the selected language. -Idir Look for SWIG files in dir -ignoremissing Ignore missing include files -importall Follow all #include statements as imports -includeall Follow all #include statements -lifile Include SWIG library file ifile -M List all dependencies -MM List dependencies, but omit files in SWIG library -makedefault Create default constructors/destructors (the default) -module name Set module name to name -nocontract Turn off contract checking -nodefault Do not generate constructors/destructors -nodirprot Do not wrap director protected members -noexcept Do not wrap exception specifiers -noextern Do not generate extern declarations -noruntime Do not include SWIG runtime code -o outfile Set name of the output file to outfile -outdir dir Set language specific files output directory -runtime Make the runtime support code globally visible. -small Compile in virtual elimination & compact mode -swiglib Report location of SWIG library and exit -v Run in verbose mode -version Print SWIG version number -Wall Enable all warning messages -Wallkw Enable warning messages for all the languages keywords -Werror Force to treat the warnings as errors -w n Suppress warning number n AUTHOR
SWIG was originally created by David Beazley. For up-to-date information about authors and contributors please check This manual page was written by Torsten Landschoff <> for the Debian project (but may be used by others). 2004-05-22 SWIG(1)

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GVGEN(1)						      General Commands Manual							  GVGEN(1)

gvgen - generate graphs SYNOPSIS
gvgen [ -dV? ] [ -in ] [ -cn ] [ -Cx,y ] [ -g[f]x,y ] [ -G[f]x,y ] [ -hn ] [ -kn ] [ -bx,y ] [ -Bx,y ] [ -mn ] [ -Mx,y ] [ -pn ] [ -rx,y ] [ -Rx ] [ -sn ] [ -Sn ] [ -tn ] [ -td,n ] [ -Tx,y ] [ -Tx,y,u,v ] [ -wn ] [ -nprefix ] [ -Nname ] [ -ooutfile ] DESCRIPTION
gvgen generates a variety of simple, regularly-structured abstract graphs. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -c n Generate a cycle with n vertices and edges. -C x,y Generate an x by y cylinder. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y - y edges. -g [f]x,y Generate an x by y grid. If f is given, the grid is folded, with an edge attaching each pair of opposing corner vertices. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y - y - x edges if unfolded and 2*x*y - y - x + 2 edges if folded. -G [f]x,y Generate an x by y partial grid. If f is given, the grid is folded, with an edge attaching each pair of opposing corner vertices. This will have x*y vertices. -h n Generate a hypercube of degree n. This will have 2^n vertices and n*2^(n-1) edges. -k n Generate a complete graph on n vertices with n*(n-1)/2 edges. -b x,y Generate a complete x by y bipartite graph. This will have x+y vertices and x*y edges. -B x,y Generate an x by y ball, i.e., an x by y cylinder with two "cap" nodes closing the ends. This will have x*y + 2 vertices and 2*x*y + y edges. -m n Generate a triangular mesh with n vertices on a side. This will have (n+1)*n/2 vertices and 3*(n-1)*n/2 edges. -M x,y Generate an x by y Moebius strip. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y - y edges. -p n Generate a path on n vertices. This will have n-1 edges. -r x,y Generate a random graph. The number of vertices will be the largest value of the form 2^n-1 less than or equal to x. Larger values of y increase the density of the graph. -R x Generate a random rooted tree on x vertices. -s n Generate a star on n vertices. This will have n-1 edges. -S n Generate a Sierpinski graph of order n. This will have 3*(3^(n-1) - 1)/2 vertices and 3^n edges. -t n Generate a binary tree of height n. This will have 2^n-1 vertices and 2^n-2 edges. -t h,n Generate a n-ary tree of height h. -T x,y -T x,y,u,v Generate an x by y torus. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y edges. If u and v are given, they specify twists of that amount in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. -w n Generate a path on n vertices. This will have n-1 edges. -i n Generate n graphs of the requested type. At present, only available if the -R flag is used. -n prefix Normally, integers are used as node names. If prefix is specified, this will be prepended to the integer to create the name. -N name Use name as the name of the graph. By default, the graph is anonymous. -o outfile If specified, the generated graph is written into the file outfile. Otherwise, the graph is written to standard out. -d Make the generated graph directed. -V Verbose output. -? Print usage information. EXIT STATUS
gvgen exits with 0 on successful completion, and exits with 1 if given an ill-formed or incorrect flag, or if the specified output file could not be opened. AUTHOR
Emden R. Gansner <> SEE ALSO
gc(1), acyclic(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), sccmap(1), tred(1), libgraph(3) 5 June 2012 GVGEN(1)
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