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st(1) [osx man page]

ST(1)                                                         General Commands Manual                                                        ST(1)

st - simple terminal SYNOPSIS
st [-c class] [-t title] [-v] [-e cmd] DESCRIPTION
st is a simple terminal emulator. OPTIONS
-t title Overrides the default title (st) -c class Overrides the default class ($TERM) -v Prints version information to standard output, then exits. -e cmd [arguments] Execute cmd instead of the shell. Type your command as you would on your shell. If this option is used, it must be the last on the command-line. This is the same behaviour as xterm/rxvt. st-0.0 ST(1)

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DICT_LOOKUP(1)															    DICT_LOOKUP(1)

dict_lookup - DICT Protocol Client SYNOPSIS
dict_lookuop [options] DESCRIPTION
dict_lookup reads X selection, then open terminal emulator and run dict client in it allowing user to view content using pager. It makes sense to configure launching dict_lookup on a keyboard shortcut in the window manager. OPTIONS
-h display help message. -x x X coordinate of terminal emulator. -x Y Y coordinate of terminal emulator. -s WxH width and height of terminal emulator separated by 'x'. -q query query, if it is specified, X selection is not read. ENVIRONMENT
dict_lookup recognizes the following environment variables. The default value is specified in square brackets. D_AWK_PROG AWK interpreter to use. [awk] D_XCLIP_PROG xclip application. [xclip] D_XTERM_PROG xterm or equivalent terminal emulator. [xterm] D_UTF8_LOCALE UTF-8 locale. [first available UTF-8 locale on system] D_DICT_PROG Dictionary client program. [dict] D_DICT_SERVER Option for dictionary client specifying the server. [-h] D_DICT_PORT Option for dictionary client specifying the port. [-p 2628] D_DICT_DB_OPT Option for dictionary client specifying the database. [-d foldoc] D_XTERM_CLASS Option for terminal emulator specifying the class. [-class XTerm] D_XTERM_NAME Option for terminal emulator specifying the name. [-name xterm_dict] D_XTERM_TITLE Option for terminal emulator specifying the title. [-title dict_lookup] D_TEXT_WIDTH Program calculating text width for given text. [cyrillic_text_width] cyrillic_text_width doesn't work correctly for Japanese, Korean, Chinese and some other languages. D_TERM_X Terminal emulator X coordinate. [+200] D_TERM_Y Terminal emulator Y coordinate. [+200] D_TERM_H Terminal emulator height. [+40] D_PAGER Pager. [less -R] SEE ALSO
dict(1), less(1), xterm(1), dictd(8),, RFC 2229 9 January 2011 DICT_LOOKUP(1)
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