SQ(1) General Commands Manual SQ(1)NAME
sq, unsq - squeeze or unsqueeze a sorted word list
sq < infile > outfile
unsq < infile > outfile
sq compresses a sorted list of words (a dictionary). For example:
sort -u /usr/share/dict/words | sq | gzip -9 > words.sq.gz
will compress dict by about a factor of 5.
unsq uncompress the output of sq. For example:
gunzip < words.sq.gz | unsq | sort -f -o words
will uncompress a dictionary compressed with sq.
The squeezing is achieved by eliminating common prefixes, and replacing them with a single character which encodes the number of characters
shared with the preceding word. The prefix size is encoded as a single printable character: 0-9 represent 0-9, A-Z represent 10-35, and a-
z represent 36-61.
sq and unsq can only handle words of up to 256 characters. The input must be sorted, and duplicates must be suppressed.
Mike Wexler
SEE ALSO compress(1), sort(1).
Check Out this Related Man Page
look(1) General Commands Manual look(1)NAME
look - Finds lines in a sorted list
look [-df] [-tcharacter] string [file]
The look command prints all lines in a sorted file that begin with string.
Uses dictionary order; only letters, digits, tabs, and spaces are used in comparisons. Searches without regard to case; treats uppercase
and lowercase as equivalent. Ignores character and characters following it in the search string. If you specify look -tC ABCDE, the
string ABCDE would become (in effect) AB, with CDE being ignored. This option is primarily for shell scripts, in which more than one
string is being processed.
If no file is specified, look searches in the system word list /usr/share/dict/words, with the options -df assumed by default.
The look command uses binary search.
The -d and -f options affect comparisons as in sort.
In order to use the -f option, you must first sort file with the sort -f command; otherwise, look displays only lowercase items.
If you do not specify -f, but specify a file (such as /usr/share/dict/words) that has been sorted with sort -f, look may not produce any
To search a sorted file called sortfile for all lines that begin with the string as, enter: look as sortfile To search the system word list
for all words beginning with smi, enter: look smi
This might result in: smile smirk smith smithereens Smithfield Smithson smithy smitten
System word list.
Commands: grep(1), sort(1), spell(1)look(1)
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