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smbutil(1) [osx man page]

SMBUTIL(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						SMBUTIL(1)

smbutil -- interface to the SMB requester SYNOPSIS
smbutil [-hv] command [-options] [args] DESCRIPTION
The smbutil command is used to control SMB requester and issue various commands. There are two types of options -- global and local to the specified command. Global options are as follows: -h Print a short help message. -v Verbose output. The commands and local options are: help command Print usage information about command. lookup [-w host] [-t node_type] [-e] name Resolve the given name to an IP address. The NetBIOS name server can be directly specified via the -w option. The NetBIOS name type can be specified via the -t, the default is to lookup file servers. For a complete list of name types please see "http://support.mi-". The NetBIOS names will be unpercent escaped out if the -e option is specified. status [-ae] hostname Resolve given hostname (IP address or DNS name) to NetBIOS workgroup and system name. All NetBIOS names will be displayed if the -a option is specified. All NetBIOS names will be percent escaped out if the -e option is specified. view [-options] //[domain;][user[:password]@]server List resources available on the specified server for the user. The options are as follows: -A authorize only. -N don't prompt for a password. -G allow guest access. -g authorize with guest only. -a authorize with anonymous only. -f don't share session. identity [-N] //[domain;][user[:password]@]server Display the user's identity as known by the server for the authenticated session. Will not prompt for a password if the -N option is specified. dfs smb://[domain;][user[:password]@]server/DfsRoot[/DfsLink] Display the Dfs referrals for this URL for the authenticated session. statshares [-m mount_path] | [-a] If -m is specified, it prints the attributes of the share mounted at mount_path. If -a is specified, it prints the attributes of all mounted shares. You can not specify both -m and -a together since they are mutually exclusive. FILES
nsmb.conf Keeps static parameters for connections and other information. See man nsmb.conf for details. AUTHORS
Boris Popov <>, <> BUGS
Please report any bugs to Apple. BSD
February 14, 2000 BSD

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SMBUTIL(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						SMBUTIL(1)

smbutil -- Interface to SMB requester SYNOPSIS
smbutil [-hv] command [-options] [args] DESCRIPTION
The smbutil command used to control SMB requester and issue various commands. There are two types of options - global and local to specified command. The global options are: -h Print short help message. -v Verbose output. The commands and local options are: crypt [password] Slightly encrypt clear text password to use it in the ~/.nsmbrc file. The encrypted password starts with '$$1' symbols. Warning: the encryption function is very weak and intented only to hide clear text password. If password is ommited from command line, program will prompt for one. help command Print usage information about command. lc List active connections and their parameters. login [-connection options] //[workgroup;][user[password]@] server[/share] Login/attach to the specified server and/or share as user. This command will create and authenticate connection to an SMB server, and will leave it active after exit. Thus, one can login only once and then use other SMB commands without authentication procedure and additional connections. For the description of [-connection options] see mount_smbfs(8) command (all uppercase options are con- nection options). logout //[workgroup;][user[password]@] server[/share] Logout/detach from the specified server and/or share as user. This command will destroy connection created by login command. A con- nection may not be closed immediately if it used by other programs. lookup [-w host] name Resolve given name to IP address. NetBIOS name server can be directly specified via [-w] option. print [-connection options] //[workgroup;][user[password]@] server[/share] file Send given file to the specified queue on the remote server. If file is '-', then standard input will be used. status server Resolve given server (IP address or DNS name) to NetBIOS workgroup and system name. view [-connection options] //[workgroup;][user[password]@] server List resources avaliable on the specified server for the user user. FILES
~/.nsmbrc keeps description for each connection. See ./examples/dot.nsmbrc for details. AUTHORS
Boris Popov <>, <> BUGS
Please report any bugs to Apple. BSD
Feb 14, 2000 BSD
Man Page