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setfile(1) [osx man page]

SETFILE(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						SETFILE(1)

/usr/bin/SetFile -- set attributes of files and directories SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/SetFile [-P] [-a attributes] [-c creator] [-d date] [-m date] [-t type] file ... DESCRIPTION
/usr/bin/SetFile is a tool to set the file attributes on files in an HFS+ directory. It attempts to be similar to the setfile command in MPW. It can apply rules to more than one file with the options applying to all files listed. Flags: -P Acts on a symlink file instead on the file the symlink resolves to. -a attributes Sets the file attributes bits where attributes is a string of case sensitive letters. Each letter corresponds to a file attribute: an uppercase letter indicates that the attribute bit is set (1), a lowercase letter indicates that it is not (0). Note: attributes not specified remain unchanged. A | a Alias file B | b Has bundle C | c Custom icon (allowed on folders) D | d Located on the desktop (allowed on folders) E | e Extension is hidden (allowed on folders) I | i Inited - Finder is aware of this file and has given it a location in a window. (allowed on folders) L | l Locked M | m Shared (can run multiple times) N | n File has no INIT resource S | s System file (name locked) T | t "Stationery Pad" file V | v Invisible (allowed on folders) Z | z Busy (allowed on folders) -c creator Specifies the file's creator, where creator can be a string of four MacRoman characters, an empty string ('') designating a null creator, or a binary, decimal, octal, or hexadecimal number in standard notation (e.g. 0x52486368). -d date Sets the creation date, where date is a string of the form: "mm/dd/[yy]yy [hh:mm:[:ss] [AM | PM]]" Notes: Enclose the string in quotation marks if it contains spaces. The date must be in the Unix epoch, that is, between 1/1/1970 and 1/18/2038. If the year is provided as a two-digit year, it is assumed to be in the 21st century and must be from 00 (2000) through 38 (2038). -m date Sets the modification date where date is a string of the form in -d above. (mm/dd/[yy]yy [hh:mm:[:ss] [AM | PM]]) -t type Sets the file type, where type can be a string of four MacRoman characters, an empty string ('') designating a null type, or a binary, decimal, octal, or hexadecimal number in standard notation (e.g. 0x55455955). RETURN VALUES
0 attributes set 1 syntax error 2 any other error SEE ALSO
GetFileInfo(1) EXAMPLES
This command line sets the modification date of "myFile": SetFile -m "8/4/2001 16:13" myFile Mac OS X January 4, 2009 Mac OS X

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fwtmp(1M)						  System Administration Commands						 fwtmp(1M)

fwtmp, wtmpfix - manipulate connect accounting records SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/acct/fwtmp [-ic] /usr/lib/acct/wtmpfix [file]... DESCRIPTION
fwtmp reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output, converting binary records of the type found in /var/adm/wtmpx to formatted ASCII records. The ASCII version is useful when it is necessary to edit bad records. wtmpfix examines the standard input or named files in utmpx format, corrects the time/date stamps to make the entries consistent, and writes to the standard output. A hyphen (-) can be used in place of file to indicate the standard input. If time/date corrections are not performed, acctcon(1M) will fault when it encounters certain date-change records. Each time the date is set, a pair of date change records are written to /var/adm/wtmpx. The first record is the old date denoted by the string "old time" placed in the line field and the flag OLD_TIME placed in the type field of the utmpx structure. The second record speci- fies the new date and is denoted by the string new time placed in the line field and the flag NEW_TIME placed in the type field. wtmpfix uses these records to synchronize all time stamps in the file. In addition to correcting time/date stamps, wtmpfix will check the validity of the name field to ensure that it consists solely of alphanu- meric characters or spaces. If it encounters a name that is considered invalid, it will change the login name to INVALID and write a diag- nostic to the standard error. In this way, wtmpfix reduces the chance that acctcon will fail when processing connect accounting records. OPTIONS
-ic Denotes that input is in ASCII form, and output is to be written in binary form. FILES
/var/adm/wtmpx history of user access and administration information ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWaccu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
acctcom(1), ed(1), acct(1M), acctcms(1M), acctcon(1M), acctmerg(1M), acctprc(1M), acctsh(1M), runacct(1M), acct(2), acct.h(3HEAD), utmpx(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 22 Feb 1999 fwtmp(1M)
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