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securityd(1) [osx man page]

securityd(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      securityd(1)

securityd -- Security context daemon for Authorization and cryptographic operations SYNOPSIS
securityd maintains security contexts and arbitrates cryptographic operations and Security Authorizations. Access to keychain items is routed through securityd to enforce access controls and to keep private keys out of user process address space. Authorization calls also communi- cate with securityd to enforce rules contained in the /etc/authorization database. All user interaction with securityd is mediated through the Security Agent. This command is not intended to be invoked directly. HISTORY
securityd was first introduced in Mac OS X version 10.0 (Cheetah) as the "Security Server" and was renamed in 10.4 (Tiger). AUTHORS
Perry The Cynic Darwin June 1, 2019 Darwin

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sckmd(1M)						  System Administration Commands						 sckmd(1M)

sckmd - Sun cryptographic key management daemon SYNOPSIS
/usr/platform/sun4u/lib/sckmd DESCRIPTION
sckmd is a server process that resides on a high-end system domain to maintain the Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) Security Associations (SAs) needed to secure communications between a Service Processor or System Controller (SC) and platform management software running within a domain. The cvcd(1M) and dcs(1M) daemons use these Security Associations. See ipsec(7P) for a description of Security Associations. The sckmd daemon receives SAs from the Service Processor or SC and installs these SAs in a domain's Security Association Database (SADB) using pf_key(7P). sckmd starts up at system boot time as an SMF service. The FMRI for the sckmd service is: svc:/platform/sun4u/sckmd:default A domain supports only one running sckmd process at a time. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsckmx.u, SUNWsckmu.u, SUNWsckmr | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ SEE ALSO
cvcd(1M), dcs(1M), ipsecconf(1M), ipsecalgs(1M), attributes(5), ipsec(7P), ipsecah(7P), ipsecesp(7P), pf_key(7P) NOTES
The sckmd service is used only on Sun Fire high-end systems and the SPARC Enterprise Server family. It provides a mechanism for exchanging IPsec keys between a domain and its System Controller (SC) or Service Processor. These platforms use IPsec to secure the communications between the SC or Service Processor and certain platform-specific daemons in the domain. Such daemons currently include cvcd(1M) and dcs(1M). The documentation for each platform that supports sckmd describes how to configure its use of IPsec for such communications. Also, the doc- umentation for each specific application describes how to configure its security policies and IPsec options in a manner appropriate for the target platform. Refer to the platform- and application-specific documentation for detailed information. SunOS 5.11 25 Apr 2006 sckmd(1M)
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