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sdx(1) [osx man page]

sdx(1)							      General Commands Manual							    sdx(1)


sdx - Starkit Developer eXtension DESCRIPTION
sdx combines a number of functions into a single command-line developer utility. Its most common use is to create, browse, and unravel Starkits: sdx qwrap myscript.tcl ?options ...? create a starkit from a single Tcl script sdx wrap mystar.kit ?options ...? create a starkit from a mystar.vfs directory structure sdx unwrap mystar.kit the reverse of wrap, lets you dissect any starkit sdx lsk mystar.kit list the contents of a starkit, as seen when mounted in Tcl sdx version mystar.kit calculate the version ID of a starkit, report newest file found inside sdx mkpack oldstar.kit newstar.kit copy and optimally pack the Metakit data by removing all unused areas sdx mksplit mystar.kit split a starkit into mystar.head and a mystar.tail parts sdx also has other, less frequently used commands, see sdx help and sdx help command for more information. sdx is itself a Starkit, you can inspect its contents by doing sdx unwrap `which sdx`. SEE ALSO,,,, KEYWORDS
Starkit, Tcl sdx 2.0 sdx(1)

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gentapes(1)						      General Commands Manual						       gentapes(1)

gentapes - Produces magnetic tape distribution media SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/gentapes [-w | -v] [hostname:] prodID devname OPTIONS
Writes the product media without verification. Do not use the -w option with the -v option. Verifies the product media without writing it first. This assumes that you have already written kit files to the distribution media. Do not use the -v option with the -w option. The -w and -v options are mutually exclusive. If neither is used, the gentapes utility writes and then verifies the product media. OPERANDS
The optional hostname: argument is the name of a remote network machine that contains the kit descriptor database. The gentapes utility searches the kit descriptor database on the remote machine for the kit identifier (prodID[TK|MT]) and uses it to create the media. The colon (:) is a required delimiter for TCP/IP networks, and space is permitted between the colon and the prodID. For example, if the prod- uct code is OAT100 and you are using the kit descriptor database on node mynode, use mynode:OAT100 for this option. The mandatory prodID operand is a kit identifier consisting of the product code and version number specified in the CODE and VERS fields of the kit's key file. Refer to the Guide to Preparing Product Kits for information about the key file. The mandatory devname operand specifies the device spe- cial file name for a no-rewind tape device such as /dev/ntape/tape0l. The gentapes utility uses the default tape density for the device and ignores any suffix specified on the command line. DESCRIPTION
Use the gentapes utility to produce MT9 or TK50 magnetic tape distribution media. The gentapes utility performs the following tasks: Deter- mines the media code (TK or MT) for the specified tape device. Appends the media code to the product code specified on the command line. Searches the kit descriptor database for the combined product code and media code. The default kit descriptor database is the /etc/kitcap file. Copies files and subsets specified in the kit description to the distribution media. If you specified verification, rewinds and reads the tape, using the sum utility to verify file transfer accuracy. Refer to the sum(1) reference page for more information about this utility. If you do not use either of the -w or -v options, the gentapes utility writes and then verifies the product media. The gentapes utility can produce multivolume tape kits and multiproduct tape kits. See the kitcap(4) reference page for information on specifying these features. RESTRICTIONS
You must have root privileges to run this program. If you use the optional hostname operand, you must have root privileges to access files on the remote host. If you do not use the optional hostname operand, you can access the files used by the gentapes utility only if you add the local hostname to the local /.rhosts file, as follows: hostname root. The -w and -v options are mutually exclusive. FILES
Device special files for no-rewind tape devices Default kit descriptor database SEE ALSO
Commands: gendisk(1), sum(1) Files: kitcap(4) Guide to Preparing Product Kits gentapes(1)
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