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runtargetunittests(1) [osx man page]

RunTargetUnitTests(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 				     RunTargetUnitTests(1)

RunTargetUnitTests -- run unit tests for the current target SYNOPSIS
RunTargetUnitTests DESCRIPTION
RunTargetUnitTests examines its environment and runs the unit tests it presumes are present using otest(1). RunTargetUnitTests is intended to be called from a shell script build phase. It expects certain environment variables to be configured from Xcode build settings (see below). RunTargetUnitTests will run tests for all built architectures appropriate for the machine running the tests. ENVIRONMENT
ARCHS The architectures the tests were built for; when tests are run, they will be run once per architecture. If unspecified, tests are run for the architecture returned by arch(1). DEVELOPER_DIR The Xcode folder, e.g. "/Developer". If unspecified the value for SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR will be used, or "/Developer" if that also is unspecified. BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR The directory containing built products; when tests are run, this is specified in DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH. If unspecified tests are run from the current working directory with no DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH. FULL_PRODUCT_NAME The full name of the built product, including its wrapper extension if any. GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC Whether or not the test bundle was compiled with Objective-C garbage collection enabled. Possible values are unsupported, supported, and required. If not set, defaults to unsupported, which will run otest(1) with Objective-C garbage collection disabled. NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL The architecture of the machine running the tests, used to determine for which architectures tests can be run. If unspecified, defaults to the architecture returned by arch(1). OTEST The path to the otest command line tool; defaults to /Developer/Tools/otest. TEST_AFTER_BUILD Set to YES to run tests, any other value will prevent test execution. FILES
/Developer/Tools/RunTargetUnitTests The script used to run tests from a shell script build phase. /Developer/Tools/otest The OCUnit test rig. SEE ALSO
arch(1), otest(1) Mac OS X June 2, 2019 Mac OS X

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App::Prove::State(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				    App::Prove::State(3pm)

App::Prove::State - State storage for the "prove" command. VERSION
Version 3.17 DESCRIPTION
The "prove" command supports a "--state" option that instructs it to store persistent state across runs. This module implements that state and the operations that may be performed on it. SYNOPSIS
# Re-run failed tests $ prove --state=fail,save -rbv METHODS
Class Methods "new" Accepts a hashref with the following key/value pairs: o "store" The filename of the data store holding the data that App::Prove::State reads. o "extension" (optional) The test name extension. Defaults to ".t". o "result_class" (optional) The name of the "result_class". Defaults to "App::Prove::State::Result". "result_class" Getter/setter for the name of the class used for tracking test results. This class should either subclass from "App::Prove::State::Result" or provide an identical interface. "extension" Get or set the extension files must have in order to be considered tests. Defaults to '.t'. "results" Get the results of the last test run. Returns a "result_class()" instance. "commit" Save the test results. Should be called after all tests have run. Instance Methods "apply_switch" $self->apply_switch('failed,save'); Apply a list of switch options to the state, updating the internal object state as a result. Nothing is returned. Diagnostics: - "Illegal state option: %s" "last" Run in the same order as last time "failed" Run only the failed tests from last time "passed" Run only the passed tests from last time "all" Run all tests in normal order "hot" Run the tests that most recently failed first "todo" Run the tests ordered by number of todos. "slow" Run the tests in slowest to fastest order. "fast" Run test tests in fastest to slowest order. "new" Run the tests in newest to oldest order. "old" Run the tests in oldest to newest order. "save" Save the state on exit. "get_tests" Given a list of args get the names of tests that should run "observe_test" Store the results of a test. "save" Write the state to a file. "load" Load the state from a file perl v5.12.1 2010-04-26 App::Prove::State(3pm)
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