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quartz-wm(1) [osx man page]

quartz-wm(1)						      General Commands Manual						      quartz-wm(1)

quartz-wm - Aqua Window Manager for the X Window System on OS X SYNTAX
quartz-wm [ --only-proxy ] DESCRIPTION
quartz-wm is a window manager for the X Window System. It provides titlebars for X11 windows that aim to match the look and feel of native Mac OS X windows. It also contains functionality to bridge between the system pasteboard and the X server's PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selec- tions. OPTIONS
quartz-wm accepts the following command line options: --only-proxy This option indicates that the program should not attempt to manage any of the display's screens. However the selection proxying features will still be enabled, meaning that a different window manager may be used, but cut and paste will work as if quartz-wm were running. --no-pasteboard This option indicates that the program should not manage the cut and paste proxying. This option is defaulted to on for newer X11 servers that support this functionality and off for older servers that do not. --prefs-domain <domain> This option can be used to override the domain used to read preferences from. This is useful if you want to have multiple X11.apps running at the same time. CUSTOMIZATION
quartz-wm can be customized using the defaults(1) command. quartz-wm can be forced to re-read these preferences by sending it a SIGHUP using kill(1). The available options are: defaults write org.x.X11 wm_ffm -bool true Enables focus-follows-mouse mode. Windows belonging to the X server may then be focused by moving the pointer over them, as well as the default mode of clicking in them. defaults write org.x.X11 wm_click_through -bool true Disables the default behavior of swallowing window-activating mouse events. defaults write org.x.X11 wm_limit_size -bool true Limit the size of each window to the size of the current head. defaults write org.x.x11 wm_focus_on_new_window -bool false Don't tell to take focus when a new X11 window is created. defaults write org.x.X11 wm_window_shading -bool true Enables double clicking on a titlebar to shade the window defaults write org.x.X11 wm_auto_quit -bool true Automatically quit quartz-wm (thus shutting down the X11 server) when the last window is closed. defaults write org.x.X11 wm_auto_quit_timeout -int 3 Set the timeout for the auto-quit feature. If wm_auto_quit is true, quartz-wm will wait this many seconds before attempting to shutdown. If another window is created in that time, quartz-wm will not shutdown. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
DISPLAY This variable is used to determine which X server to use. SEE ALSO
X(7), Xquartz(1), xrdb(1), twm(1) 0.0 quartz-wm(1)

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WINDOWLAB(1x)															     WINDOWLAB(1x)

windowlab - a window manager for X11 SYNOPSIS
windowlab [options...] DESCRIPTION
windowlab is a small and simple window manager of novel design. It has a click-to-focus but not raise-on-focus policy, a window resizing mechanism that allows one or many edges of a window to be changed in one action, and an innovative menubar that shares the same part of the screen as the taskbar. Window titlebars are prevented from going off the edge of the screen by constraining the mouse pointer, and when appropriate the pointer is also constrained to the taskbar/menubar in order to make target menu items easier to hit. WindowLab places a taskbar at the top of the screen and adds a titlebar to the top of each window. These titlebars consist of a draggable area, and three icons on the right hand side. When left clicked, these icons: * hide the window * toggle the window's Z order Amiga style (if it's not at the front, bring it to the front, otherwise send it to the back) * close the window Another way of toggling a window's Z order (depth) is by double left clicking on the draggable part of its titlebar. Windows' titlebars are prevented from leaving the screen and cannot overlap the taskbar. The taskbar should list all windows currently in use. Left clicking on a window's taskbar item will give that window focus and toggle its Z order (depth). To resize the active window hold down alt and push against the window's edges with the left mouse button down. If you right click outside a client window, WindowLab's taskbar becomes a menubar. Releasing the right mouse button over a selected menu item will start a corresponding external program. WindowLab will look in each of the following files in turn for definitions of the menu labels and commands: * ~/.windowlab/windowlab.menurc * ../etc/windowlab.menurc (from the directory containing the executable) * /etc/X11/windowlab/windowlab.menurc Each line in the menurc file should have the menu label, a colon, and then the corresponding command, eg: The GIMP:gimp New windows (that don't specify their location) are positioned according to the coordinates of the mouse - the top-left hand corner of a new window is set to the location of the mouse pointer (if necessary the window will be moved to ensure that all of it is on the screen). WindowLab has the following keyboard controls. Hold down alt and press: * tab to give focus to the previous window * q to give focus to the next window * F11 to toggle fullscreen mode on and off for non transient windows * F12 to toggle the window's depth. This is the same as left clicking a window's middle icon OPTIONS
-font font-spec Draw window titles with the font defined by font-spec. -border color, -text color, -active color, -inactive color, -menu color, -selected color, -empty color Use color for the borders, the text, the active background, the inactive background, the menubar, the selected menu item and empty parts of the screen. -about Print information to stdout and exit. -display Sets which X display will be managed by windowlab. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
DISPLAY Sets which X display will be managed by windowlab. MENU SYSTEM
This version of WindowLab supports the Debian Menu subsystem. To update the menus, it suffices to execute the command update-menus. If executed as root, the system setting in /etc/X11/windowlab/windowlab.menurc will be affected, whereas execution by any underprivileged user only effects the private resource file in ~/.windowlab/windowlab.menurc. The following files tune the compilation of auto-generated menus: /etc/X11/windowlab/debian_config, ~/.windowlab/debian_config Debian-specific system configuration and user-specific overrides. /etc/X11/windowlab/common_menu A common tail part, that currently encompasses About, Reload and Quit. All users get these entries included in their menu. ~/.windowlab/user_menu Menu entries hand-picked by the individual user. SIGNALS
When WindowLab receives a SIGHUP signal, it will reload all relevant menu resource files, thus updating the menu bar. SEE ALSO
X(7), The Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (from the X11R6 documentation). AUTHOR
Nick Gravgaard (me at Nick Gravgaard 1.40 WINDOWLAB(1x)
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