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qlmanage(1) [osx man page]

qlmanage(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       qlmanage(1)

qlmanage -- Quick Look Server debug and management tool SYNOPSIS
qlmanage -r qlmanage -m [name ...] qlmanage -t [-d debugLevel] [-x] [-i] [-s size] [-f factor] [-c contentTypeUTI [-g generator]] [file ...] qlmanage -p [-d debugLevel] [-x] [-c contentTypeUTI [-g generator]] [file ...] qlmanage -h DESCRIPTION
qlmanage allows you to test your Quick Look generators and manage Quick Look Server. The following usages are available: 1. qlmanage -r resets Quick Look Server and all Quick Look client's generator cache. 2. qlmanage -m gets all sort of information on Quick Look server including the list of detected generators. 3. qlmanage -t displays the Quick Look generated thumbnails (if available) for the specified files. 4. qlmanage -p displays the Quick Look generated previews for the specified files. 5. qlmanage -h displays extensive help. Mac OS X March 29, 2007 Mac OS X

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LIVESYS(1)						       AFS Command Reference							LIVESYS(1)

livesys - Reports the configured CPU/operating system type SYNOPSIS
The livesys command displays the string stored in kernel memory that indicates the local machine's CPU/operating system (OS) type, conventionally called the sysname. The Cache Manager substitutes this string for the @sys variable which can occur in AFS pathnames; the OpenAFS Quick Start Guides and OpenAFS Administration Guide explain how using @sys can simplify cell configuration. To set a new value in kernel memory, use the fs sysname command, which can also be used to view the current value. If a sysname list was set using fs sysname, only the first value in the list will be reported by livesys. CAUTIONS
To see the full sysname list, use fs sysname rather than this command. livesys is mostly useful for scripts that need to know the primary sysname for the local system (to create directories that will later be addressed using @sys, for example). livesys first appeared in OpenAFS 1.2.2. Scripts that need to support older versions of AFS should parse the output of fs sysname or use sys. OUTPUT
The machine's system type appears as a text string: I<system_type> EXAMPLES
The following example shows the output produced on a Linux system with a 2.6 kernel: % livesys i386_linux26 PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
fs_sysname(1), sys(1) The OpenAFS Quick Start Guides at <>. The OpenAFS Administration Guide at <>. COPYRIGHT
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2005 Russ Allbery <> This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was written by Russ Allbery based on the sys man page. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 LIVESYS(1)
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