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qc2movie(1) [osx man page]

qc2movie(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       qc2movie(1)

qc2movie -- Quartz Composer export tool SYNOPSIS
qc2movie inCompositionPath|repositoryCompositionIdentifier outMoviePath width height duration [--parameterKey1 value1 ...] DESCRIPTION
qc2movie is a tool that exports a Quartz Composer composition into a QuickTime movie by adding a track containing this composition. It is the command line equivalent of exporting a composition for the Quartz Composer application to a QuickTime movie. OPTIONS
inCompositionPath|repositoryCompositionIdentifier specifies which composition you want to export. Ar inCompositionPath is the path to the composition. Ar reposito- ryCompositionIdentifier is the identifier of a composition which lies in the Quartz Composer Repository. outMoviePath specifies movie file path to which the composition will be exported to width defines the width of the export movie height defines the height of the export movie duration defines the length of the export movie [--parameterKey1 value1 ...] passes composition specific parameters through the command line tool to the composition EXAMPLES
-To create a 10 second QuickTime movie containing a Quartz Composer track of the Particle System composition: qc2movie "/Developer/Examples/Quartz Composer Compositions/Particle Systems/Particle System.qtz" ~/ 640 480 10 -To merge two video tracks (30s each) together using an image transition protocol abiding composition (Swing for example) in the Quartz Composer Repository (using its identifier: /swing): qc2movie /swing ~/ 640 480 60 --inputMoviePath1 ~/ --inputMoviePath2 ~/ --duration 2 -To apply an image filter protocol abiding composition to the video track of a movie: qc2movie /colorpencil ~/ 640 480 30 --input ~/ SEE ALSO
pcastaction(1) Mac OS July 9 2007 Mac OS

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gif2swf(1)							     swftools								gif2swf(1)

gif2swf - Takes a number of gif files and converts them to a swf movie, one picture per frame. Synopsis gif2swf [-X width] [-Y height] [-o file.swf] [-r rate] file1.gif [file2.gif ...] DESCRIPTION
This tools converts gif image files into an SWF animation. It takes any number of input pictures, and converts them to SWF one-by-one, where every converted picture is a separate frame in the target SWF. OPTIONS
-r, --rate framerate Set movie framerate (frames per second) -o, --output filename Explicitly specify output file. (Otherwise, output will go to stdout / output.swf) -z, --zlib zlib Use Flash MX (SWF 6) Zlib encoding for the output. The resulting SWF will be smaller, but not playable in Flash Plugins of Version 5 and below. -l, --loop loop count Set loop count. (default: 0 [=infinite loop]) -X, --pixel width Force movie width to width (default: autodetect) -Y, --pixel height Force movie height to height (default: autodetect) -v, --verbose level Set verbose level (0=quiet, 1=default, 2=debug) -C, --cgi For use as CGI- prepend http header, write to stdout -V, --version Print version information and exit gif2swf February 2012 gif2swf(1)
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