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python(1) [osx man page]

PYTHON(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 PYTHON(1)

python, pythonw -- an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language SYNOPSIS
python ... pythonw ... DESCRIPTION
To support multiple versions, the programs named python and pythonw now just select the real version of Python to run, depending on various settings. (As of Python 2.5, python and pythonw are interchangeable; both execute Python in the context of an application bundle, which means they have access to the Graphical User Interface; thus both can, when properly programmed, display windows, dialogs, etc.) The current supported versions are 2.6 and 2.7, with the default being 2.6. Use % man python2.6 % man python2.7 % man pythonw2.6 % man pythonw2.7 to see the man page for a specific version. Without a version specified, % man pydoc and the like, will show the man page for the (unmodified) default version of Python (2.6). To see the man page for a specific version, use, for example, % man pydoc2.7 CHANGING THE DEFAULT PYTHON
Using % defaults write Version 2.7 will make version 2.7 the user default when running the both the python and pythonw commands (versioner is the internal name of the version- selection software used). To set a system-wide default, replace '' with '/Library/Preferences/' (admin privileges will be required). The environment variable VERSIONER_PYTHON_VERSION can also be used to set the python and pythonw version: % export VERSIONER_PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 # Bourne-like shells or % setenv VERSIONER_PYTHON_VERSION 2.7 # C-like shells % python ... This environment variable takes precedence over the preference file settings. 64-BIT SUPPORT Versions 2.6 and 2.7 support 64-bit execution (which is on by default). Like the version of Python, the python command can select between 32 and 64-bit execution (when both are available). Use: % defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes to make 32-bit execution the user default (using '/Library/Preferences/' will set the system-wide default). The environment variable VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT can also be used (has precedence over the preference file): % export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes # Bourne-like shells or % setenv VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT yes # C-like shells Again, the preference setting and environmental variable applies to both python and pythonw. USING A SPECIFIC VERSION
Rather than using the python command, one can use a specific version directly. For example, running python2.7 from the command line will run the 2.7 version of Python, independent of what the default version of Python is. One can use a specific version of Python on the #! line of a script, but that may have portability and future compatibility issues. Note that the preference files and environment variable that apply to the python command, do not apply when running a specific version of Python. In particular, running python2.6 will always default to 64-bit execution (unless one uses the arch(1) command to specifically select a 32-bit architecture). SEE ALSO
python2.6(1), python2.7(1), pythonw2.6(1), pythonw2.7(1), arch(1) BSD
Aug 10, 2008 BSD

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PYCENTRAL()															       PYCENTRAL()

pycentral - register and build utility for Python packages SYNOPSIS
pycentral [-h] [-v] <cmd> [<cmd options>] [<args>] DESCRIPTION
pycentral provides support for installing python modules independent of the current installed Python version and handling byte-compilation and -removal tasks in installation scripts. OPTIONS
-v, --version Limit the output to the version numbers of the python versions. -h, --help Print a help text. pycentral has the following sub commands. For fine grained help, call: pycentral <cmd>. bccompile Byte compile .py files in a package. bcremove Remove the byte compiled .py files. list List all managed files. pkginstall Make a package available for all supported runtimes. pkgprepare Prepare a package for all supported runtimes. pkgremove Remove a package installed for all supported runtimes. pkglist List pycentral-managed files of a package for all supported runtimes. rtinstall Make installed packages available for this runtime. rtremove Remove packages installed for this runtime. updatedefault Update the default python version. debhelper move files to pycentral locaation, variable substitutions (called by dh_pycentral). pycentraldir <package> Show the installation directory used by pycentral for <package>. showdefault Show default python version number. Deprecated, use pyversions(1) showsupported Show the supported python versions. Deprecated, use pyversions(1) showversions Show version numbers of supported python versions. Deprecated, use pyversions(1) dh_pycentral, should not be called directly). version Show the pycentral version. FILES
/etc/python/debian_config is searched for the attribute overwrite-local. If set to 1, or True, existing files in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/*-packages are overwritten with symbolic links to the pycentral install area. The default is to abort the installation of a package, when files already exist. This behaviour may be useful, when python libraries were manually installed into this directory. The attribute byte-compile can be set to a comma separated list of the values standard and optimze to indicate how files should be byte- compiled. SEE ALSO
pyversions(1), Python policy. AUTHOR
Matthias Klose PYCENTRAL()
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