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pnmsplit(1) [osx man page]

pnmsplit(1)						      General Commands Manual						       pnmsplit(1)

       pnmsplit - split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files

       pnmsplit [pnmfile[ output_file_pattern]]

       Reads a Netpbm file as input.  Copies each image in the input into a separate file, in the same format.

       pnmfile is the file specification of the input file, or - to indicate Standard Input.  The default is Standard Input.

       output_file_pattern  tells  how to name the output files.  It is the file specification of the output file, except that the first occurence
       of "%d" in it is replaced by the image sequence number in unpadded ASCII decimal, with the sequence starting at 0.  If there is no "%d"	in
       the pattern, pnmsplit fails.

       The default output file pattern is "image%d".

       Note  that  to do the reverse operation (combining multiple single-image PNM files into a multi-image one), there is no special Netpbm pro-
       gram.  Just use cat.

       pnm(5), cat(1)

       Written by Bryan Henderson

								   19 June 2000 						       pnmsplit(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

y4mtoppm(1)							MJPEG tools manual						       y4mtoppm(1)

y4mtoppm - Convert YUV4MPEG2 stream to PPM images SYNOPSIS
y4mtoppm [options] DESCRIPTION
y4mtoppm converts a YUV4MPEG2 stream into a sequence of raw PPM images. Output is to stdout (but feel free to have the shell redirect to a file). Input is read from stdin, like all other YUV4MPEG2 filters and tools. YUV4MPEG2 streams contain frames using the Y'CbCr colorspace (ITU-R BT.601). y4mtoppm will convert each pixel to the usual R'G'B' colorspace used for computer graphics. YUV4MPEG2 streams may (often!) have subsampled chroma planes. y4mtoppm can upsample "4:2:0 JPEG" streams using a simple, lousy algorithm. Better results will be obtained using a filters such as y4mscaler(1) which are capable of general-purpose subsampling operations. y4mtoppm will fail on streams which have chroma subsampling modes other than 4:4:4 or 4:2:0-JPEG. For interlaced streams, these operations are performed on each field individually. Fields can be output as separate PPM images in time- order (default), or interleaved into full-frame images. If multiple PPM images are generated, they are simply output one after another. If you want to turn such a "multi-image" PPM stream/file into individual files, use pnmsplit. (Some PNM filters can process multi-image files/streams; however, many written before June 2000 will only process the first image.) y4mtoppm and ppmtoy4m are inverses of each other; you can pipe the output of one into the other, and vice-versa. Note that the colorspace (and subsampling) operations are lossy in both directions. And, when converting to PPM, information on interlacing and sample aspect ratio is lost (but can be reconstructed by supplying command-line arguments to ppmtoy4m). OPTIONS
y4mtoppm accepts the following options: -L For interlaced streams, output a single PPM image for each frame, containing two interleaved fields. (Otherwise, two PPM images will be generated for each frame; one per field.) -v [0,1,2] Set verbosity level. 0 = warnings and errors only. 1 = add informative messages, too. 2 = add chatty debugging message, too. EXAMPLES
To turn the first 15 frames of an (MJPEG or DV) AVI file into individual PPM files: lav2yuv -f 15 your-video.avi | y4mtoppm | pnmsplit - "your-video-%d.ppm" AUTHOR
This man page was written by Matt Marjanovic. If you have questions, remarks, problems or you just want to contact the developers, the main mailing list for the MJPEG-tools is: For more info, see our website at SEE ALSO
ppm(5), pnm(5), ppmtoy4m(1), mjpegtools(1), mpeg2enc(1), lav2yuv(1), pnmsplit(1), y4mscaler(1) MJPEG Linux Square 28 April 2004 y4mtoppm(1)
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