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opieinfo(1) [osx man page]

OPIEINFO(1)						      General Commands Manual						       OPIEINFO(1)

opieinfo - Extract sequence number and seed for future OPIE challenges. SYNOPSIS
opieinfo [-v] [-h] [ user_name ] DESCRIPTION
opieinfo takes an optional user name and writes the current sequence number and seed found in the OPIE key database for either the current user or the user specified. opiekey is compatible with the keyinfo(1) program from Bellcore's S/Key Version 1 except that specification of a remote system name is not permitted. opieinfo can be used to generate a listing of your future OPIE responses if you are going to be without an OPIE calculator and still need to log into the system. To do so, you would run something like: opiekey -n 42 `opieinfo` OPTIONS
-v Display the version number and compile-time options, then exit. -h Display a brief help message and exit. <user_name> The name of a user whose key information you wish to display. The default is the user running opieinfo. EXAMPLE
wintermute$ opieinfo 495 wi01309 wintermute$ FILES
/etc/opiekeys -- database of key information for the OPIE system. SEE ALSO
opie(4), opiekey(1), opiepasswd(1), opiesu(1), opielogin(1), opieftpd(8), opiekeys(5) opieaccess(5) AUTHOR
Bellcore's S/Key was written by Phil Karn, Neil M. Haller, and John S. Walden of Bellcore. OPIE was created at NRL by Randall Atkinson, Dan McDonald, and Craig Metz. S/Key is a trademark of Bell Communications Research (Bellcore). CONTACT
OPIE is discussed on the Bellcore "S/Key Users" mailing list. To join, send an email request to: 7th Edition January 10, 1995 OPIEINFO(1)

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OPIESU(1)						      General Commands Manual							 OPIESU(1)

opiesu - Replacement su(1) program that uses OPIE challenges SYNOPSIS
opiesu [ -f ] [ -c ] [ user_name ] DESCRIPTION
opiesu is a replacement for the su(1) program that issues OPIE challenges and uses OPIE responses. It is downward compatible with keysu(1) from the Bellcore S/Key Version 1 distribution and the su(1) program from the 4.3BSD Net/2 distribution. OPTIONS
-f If the invoked shell is csh(1), this option prevents it from reading the ``.cshrc'' file. (The [f] option may be passed as a shell argument after the login name, so this option is redundant and obsolescent.) -c Set console mode where the user is expected to have secure access to the system. In console mode, you will be asked to input your password directly instead of having to use an OPIE calculator. If you do not have secure access to the system (i.e., you are not on the system's console), you are volunteering your password to attackers by using this mode. user_name The name of the user to become. The default is root. EXAMPLE
wintermute$ opiesu kebe otp-md5 498 wi910502 (OTP response required) kebe's password: (echo on) kebe's password: RARE GLEN HUGH BOYD NECK MOLL wintermute# FILES
/etc/opiekeys database of information for OPIE system. SEE ALSO
su(1), opie(4), opiekey(1), opieinfo(1), opiesu(1), opielogin(1), opieftpd(8), opiekeys(5), opieaccess(5) AUTHOR
Bellcore's S/Key was written by Phil Karn, Neil M. Haller, and John S. Walden of Bellcore. OPIE was created at NRL by Randall Atkinson, Dan McDonald, and Craig Metz. S/Key is a trademark of Bell Communications Research (Bellcore). CONTACT
OPIE is discussed on the Bellcore "S/Key Users" mailing list. To join, send an email request to: 7th Edition January 10, 1995 OPIESU(1)
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