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notificationconf(1) [osx man page]

notificationconf(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 				       notificationconf(1)

notificationconf -- configures how aosnotifyd responds to the NSServerNotificationCenter api SYNOPSIS
notificationconf command [command_args] DESCRIPTION
notificationconf is a utility to configure the push notification client functionality. The functionality is accessed by programs using the NSServerNotification api, and this utility configures options for aosnotifyd that are outside the scope of the api. USAGE
You must specify a command to select a specific function to perform. Each command accepts its own arguments. COMMAND SUMMARY
Here are brief descriptions of all the notificationconf commands: setpass hostname username Configures a password and user name in the keychain that aosnotifyd can use to access a notification server. It prompts for the password. removepass hostname Removes the keychain entry for the specified server usessl hostname Forces the client to use an SSL connection to the specified server. The server must have a certificate the client will validate. nossl hostname Sets the client back to the default state of not using an SSL connection for the specified server. createnode hostname nodename username Creates a node on the server to send notifications using. Before a client can subscribe to notifications with a given name, the server must be configured with a node with a matching name. A user name is specified and the tool prompts for a password. This user must have permissions to create notification nodes on the server. FILES
/usr/bin/notificationconf SEE ALSO
aosnotifyd(8) Mac OS X 12 March 2009 Mac OS X

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XML::Atom::Client(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				    XML::Atom::Client(3pm)

XML::Atom::Client - A client for the Atom API SYNOPSIS
use XML::Atom::Client; use XML::Atom::Entry; my $api = XML::Atom::Client->new; $api->username('Melody'); $api->password('Nelson'); my $entry = XML::Atom::Entry->new; $entry->title('New Post'); $entry->content('Content of my post.'); my $EditURI = $api->createEntry($PostURI, $entry); my $feed = $api->getFeed($FeedURI); my @entries = $feed->entries; my $entry = $api->getEntry($EditURI); DESCRIPTION
XML::Atom::Client implements a client for the Atom API described at, with the authentication scheme described at NOTE: the API, and particularly the authentication scheme, are still in flux. USAGE
XML::Atom::Client->new(%param) $api->use_soap([ 0 | 1 ]) XML::Atom::Client supports both the REST and SOAP-wrapper versions of the Atom API. By default, the REST version of the API will be used, but you can turn on the SOAP wrapper--for example, if you need to connect to a server that supports only the SOAP wrapper--by calling use_soap with a value of 1: $api->use_soap(1); If called without arguments, returns the current value of the flag. $api->username([ $username ]) If called with an argument, sets the username for login to $username. Returns the current username that will be used when logging in to the Atom server. $api->password([ $password ]) If called with an argument, sets the password for login to $password. Returns the current password that will be used when logging in to the Atom server. $api->createEntry($PostURI, $entry) Creates a new entry. $entry must be an XML::Atom::Entry object. $api->getEntry($EditURI) Retrieves the entry with the given URL $EditURI. Returns an XML::Atom::Entry object. $api->updateEntry($EditURI, $entry) Updates the entry at URL $EditURI with the entry $entry, which must be an XML::Atom::Entry object. Returns true on success, false otherwise. $api->deleteEntry($EditURI) Deletes the entry at URL $EditURI. $api->getFeed($FeedURI) Retrieves the feed at $FeedURI. Returns an XML::Atom::Feed object representing the feed returned from the server. ERROR HANDLING Methods return "undef" on error, and the error message can be retrieved using the errstr method. AUTHOR &; COPYRIGHT Please see the XML::Atom manpage for author, copyright, and license information. perl v5.12.4 2011-09-27 XML::Atom::Client(3pm)
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