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networkctl(1) [osx man page]

NETWORKCTL(1)							    networkctl							     NETWORKCTL(1)

networkctl - Query the status of network links SYNOPSIS
networkctl may be used to introspect the state of the network links as seen by systemd-networkd. Please refer to systemd- networkd.service(8) for an introduction to the basic concepts, functionality, and configuration syntax. OPTIONS
The following options are understood: -a --all Show all links with status. -h, --help Print a short help text and exit. --version Print a short version string and exit. --no-legend Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with hints. --no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager. COMMANDS
The following commands are understood: list [LINK...] Show a list of existing links and their status. If no further arguments are specified shows all links, otherwise just the specified links. Produces output similar to: IDX LINK TYPE OPERATIONAL SETUP 1 lo loopback carrier unmanaged 2 eth0 ether routable configured 3 virbr0 ether no-carrier unmanaged 4 virbr0-nic ether off unmanaged 4 links listed. status [LINK...] Show information about the specified links: type, state, kernel module driver, hardware and IP address, configured DNS servers, etc. When no links are specified, an overall network status is shown. Also see the option --all. Produces output similar to: State: routable Address: on eth0 on virbr0 on eth0 fe80::5054:aa:bbbb:cccc on eth0 Gateway: (CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.) on eth0 DNS: lldp [LINK...] Show discovered LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) neighbors. If one or more link names are specified only neighbors on those interfaces are shown. Otherwise shows discovered neighbors on all interfaces. Note that for this feature to work, LLDP= must be turned on on the specific interface, see for details. Produces output similar to: LINK CHASSIS ID SYSTEM NAME CAPS PORT ID PORT DESCRIPTION enp0s25 00:e0:4c:00:00:00 GS1900 ..b........ 2 Port #2 Capability Flags: o - Other; p - Repeater; b - Bridge; w - WLAN Access Point; r - Router; t - Telephone; d - DOCSIS cable device; a - Station; c - Customer VLAN; s - Service VLAN, m - Two-port MAC Relay (TPMR) 1 neighbors listed. label Show numerical address labels that can be used for address selection. This is the same information that ip-addrlabel(8) shows. See RFC 3484[1] for a discussion of address labels. Produces output similar to: Prefix/Prefixlen Label ::/0 1 fc00::/7 5 fec0::/10 11 2002::/16 2 3ffe::/16 12 2001:10::/28 7 2001::/32 6 ::ffff: 4 ::/96 3 ::1/128 0 EXIT STATUS
On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. SEE ALSO
systemd-networkd.service(8),, systemd.netdev(5), ip(8) NOTES
1. RFC 3484 systemd 237 NETWORKCTL(1)

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NETWORKCTL(1)							    networkctl							     NETWORKCTL(1)

networkctl - Query the status of network links SYNOPSIS
networkctl may be used to introspect the state of the network links as seen by systemd-networkd. Please refer to systemd- networkd.service(8) for an introduction to the basic concepts, functionality, and configuration syntax. OPTIONS
The following options are understood: -a --all Show all links with status. -h, --help Print a short help text and exit. --version Print a short version string and exit. --no-legend Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with hints. --no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager. COMMANDS
The following commands are understood: list [LINK...] Show a list of existing links and their status. If no further arguments are specified shows all links, otherwise just the specified links. Produces output similar to: IDX LINK TYPE OPERATIONAL SETUP 1 lo loopback carrier unmanaged 2 eth0 ether routable configured 3 virbr0 ether no-carrier unmanaged 4 virbr0-nic ether off unmanaged 4 links listed. status [LINK...] Show information about the specified links: type, state, kernel module driver, hardware and IP address, configured DNS servers, etc. When no links are specified, an overall network status is shown. Also see the option --all. Produces output similar to: State: routable Address: on eth0 on virbr0 on eth0 fe80::5054:aa:bbbb:cccc on eth0 Gateway: (CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.) on eth0 DNS: lldp [LINK...] Show discovered LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) neighbors. If one or more link names are specified only neighbors on those interfaces are shown. Otherwise shows discovered neighbors on all interfaces. Note that for this feature to work, LLDP= must be turned on on the specific interface, see for details. Produces output similar to: LINK CHASSIS ID SYSTEM NAME CAPS PORT ID PORT DESCRIPTION enp0s25 00:e0:4c:00:00:00 GS1900 ..b........ 2 Port #2 Capability Flags: o - Other; p - Repeater; b - Bridge; w - WLAN Access Point; r - Router; t - Telephone; d - DOCSIS cable device; a - Station; c - Customer VLAN; s - Service VLAN, m - Two-port MAC Relay (TPMR) 1 neighbors listed. label Show numerical address labels that can be used for address selection. This is the same information that ip-addrlabel(8) shows. See RFC 3484[1] for a discussion of address labels. Produces output similar to: Prefix/Prefixlen Label ::/0 1 fc00::/7 5 fec0::/10 11 2002::/16 2 3ffe::/16 12 2001:10::/28 7 2001::/32 6 ::ffff: 4 ::/96 3 ::1/128 0 EXIT STATUS
On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. SEE ALSO
systemd-networkd.service(8),, systemd.netdev(5), ip(8) NOTES
1. RFC 3484 systemd 237 NETWORKCTL(1)
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