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mecab(1) [osx man page]

MECAB(1)							       MeCab								  MECAB(1)

mecab - manual page for mecab of 0.95pre1 SYNOPSIS
mecab [options] files DESCRIPTION
MeCab: Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer Copyright(C) 2001-2007 Taku Kudo Copyright(C) 2004-2006 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation -r, --rcfile=FILE use FILE as resource file -d, --dicdir=DIR set DIR as a system dicdir -u, --userdic=FILE use FILE as a user dictionary -l, --lattice-level=INT lattice information level (default 0) -D, --dictionary-info show dictionary information and exit -a, --all-morphs output all morphs(default false) -O, --output-format-type=TYPE set output format type (wakati,none,...) -p, --partial partial parsing mode -F, --node-format=STR use STR as the user-defined node format -U, --unk-format=STR use STR as the user-defined unk format -B, --bos-format=STR use STR as the user-defined bos format -E, --eos-format=STR use STR as the user-defined eos format -x, --unk-feature=STR use STR as the feature for unknown word -b, --input-buffer-size=INT set input buffer size (default 8192) -P, --dump-config dump MeCab parameters -C, --allocate-sentence allocate new memory for input sentence -N, --nbest=INT output N best results (default 1) -t, --theta=FLOAT set temparature parameter theta (default 0.75) -o, --output=FILE set the output file name -v, --version show the version and exit. -h, --help show this help and exit. mecab of 0.95pre1 March 2007 MECAB(1)

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Text::MeCab(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					  Text::MeCab(3pm)

Text::MeCab - Alternate Interface To libmecab SYNOPSIS
use Text::MeCab; my $mecab = Text::MeCab->new({ rcfile => $rcfile, dicdir => $dicdir, userdic => $userdic, lattice_level => $lattice_level, all_morphs => $all_morphs, output_format_type => $output_format_type, partial => $partial, node_format => $node_format, unk_format => $unk_format, bos_format => $bos_format, eos_format => $eos_format, input_buffer_size => $input_buffer_size, allocate_sentence => $allocate_sentence, nbest => $nbest, theta => $theta, }); for (my $node = $mecab->parse($text); $node; $node = $node->next) { # See perdoc for Text::MeCab::Node for list of methods print $node->surface, " "; } # use constants use Text::MeCab qw(:all); use Text::MeCab qw(MECAB_NOR_NODE); # check what mecab version we compiled against? print "Compiled with ", &Text::MeCab::MECAB_VERSION, " "; DESCRIPTION
libmecab ( already has a perl interface built with it, so why a new module? I just feel that while a subtle difference, making the perl interface through a tied hash is just... weird. So Text::MeCab gives you a more natural, Perl-ish way to access libmecab! WARNING: Version 0.20000 has only been tested against libmecab 0.96. Text::MeCab AND FORMATS mecab allows users to specify an output format, via --*-format options. These are respected ONLY if you use the format() method: my $mecab = Text::MeCab->new({ output_format_type => "user", node_format => "%m %pn" }); for(my $node = $mecab->parse($text); $node; $node = $node->next) { print $node->format($mecab); } Note that you also need to set the output_format_type parameter as well. Text::MeCab AND SCOPING [NOTE: The memory management issue has been changed since 0.09] libmecab's default behavior is such that when you analyze a text and get a node back, that node is tied to the mecab "tagger" object that performed the analysis. Therefore, when that tagger is destroyed via mecab_destroy(), all nodes that are associated to it are freed as well. Text::MeCab defaults to the same behavior, so the following won't work: sub get_mecab_node { my $mecab = Text::MeCab->new; my $node = $mecab->parse($_[0]); return $node; } my $node = get_mecab_node($text); By the time get_mecab_node() returns, the Text::MeCab object is DESTROY'ed, and so is $node (actually, the object exists, but it will complain when you try to access the node's internals, because the C struct that was there has already been freed). In such cases, use the dclone() method. This will copy the *entire* node structure and create a new Text::MeCab::Node::Cloned instance. sub get_mecab_node { my $mecab = Text::MeCab->new; my $node = $mecab->parse($_[0]); return $node->dclone(); } The returned Text::MeCab::Node::Cloned object is exactly the same as Text::MeCab::Node object on the surface. It just uses a different but very similar C struct underneath. It is blessed into a different namespace only because we need to use a different memory management strategy. Do be aware of the memory issue. You WILL use up twice as much memory. Also please note that if you try the first example, accessing the node *WILL* result in a segfault. This is *NOT* a bug: it's a feature :) While it is possible to control the memory management such that accessing a field in a node that has already expired results in a legal croak(), we do not go to the length to ensure this, because it will result in a performance penalty. Just remember that unless you dclone() a node, then you are NOT allowed to access it when the original tagger goes out scope: { my $mecab = Text::MeCab->new; $node = $mecab->parse(...); } $node->surface; # segfault!!!! Always remember to dclone() before doing this! PERFORMANCE
Belows is the result of running tools/ on my PowerBook: daisuke@beefcake Text-MeCab$ perl tools/ Rate mecab text_mecab mecab 5.53/s -- -63% text_mecab 14.9/s 170% -- METHODS
new HASHREF | LIST Creates a new Text::MeCab instance. You can either specify a hashref and use named parameters, or you can use the exact command line arguments that the mecab command accepts. Below is the list of accepted named options. See the man page for mecab for details about each option. rcfile dicdir lattice_level all_morphs output_format_type partial node_format unk_format bos_format eos_format input_buffer_size allocate_sentence nbest theta parse SCALAR Parses the given text via mecab, and returns a Text::MeCab::Node object. ENCODING my $encoding = Text::MeCab::ENCODING Returns the encoding of the underlying mecab library that was detected at compile time. MECAB_VERSION The version number from libmecab's mecab_version() MECAB_TARGET_VERSION MECAB_TARGET_MAJOR_VERSION MECAB_TARGET_MINOR_VERSION The version number detected at compile time of Text::MeCab. MECAB_CONFIG Path to mecab-config, if available. SEE ALSO LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Daisuke Maki <> All rights reserved. perl v5.14.2 2012-03-31 Text::MeCab(3pm)
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