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mailto-hebrew(1) [osx man page]

mailto-hebrew(1)					      General Commands Manual						  mailto-hebrew(1)

mailto-hebrew - Run the mailto program to send Hebrew/English mail SYNOPSIS
mailto-hebrew mailto-arguments DESCRIPTION
The mailto-hebrew program will start an xterm using the appropriate font in order to send mail in mixed Hebrew and English. All comand line options will be passed on to the mailto program. SEE ALSO
mailto(1), shownonascii(1) BUGS
This is such a tiny program it might actually be bug-free, but I wouldn't bet on it. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this material without the specific, prior written permission of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. AUTHOR
Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Bellcore Release 1 mailto-hebrew(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

mailto-hebrew(1)					      General Commands Manual						  mailto-hebrew(1)

mailto-hebrew - Run the mailto program to send Hebrew/English mail SYNOPSIS
mailto-hebrew mailto-arguments DESCRIPTION
The mailto-hebrew program will start an xterm using the appropriate font in order to send mail in mixed Hebrew and English. All comand line options will be passed on to the mailto program. SEE ALSO
mailto(1), shownonascii(1) BUGS
This is such a tiny program it might actually be bug-free, but I wouldn't bet on it. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this material without the specific, prior written permission of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. AUTHOR
Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Bellcore Release 1 mailto-hebrew(1)
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