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kdestroy(1) [osx man page]

KDESTROY(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       KDESTROY(1)

kdestroy -- remove one credential or destroy the current ticket file SYNOPSIS
kdestroy [-c cachefile] [--credential=principal] [--principal=principal] [--cache=type:name] [-A | -a | --all] [--no-unlog] [--no-delete-v4] [--version] [--help] DESCRIPTION
kdestroy removes one credential or the current set of tickets. Supported options: -credential=principal remove principal from the credential cache if it exists. -p principal -principal=principal The cache with client principal to remove. -c cachefile -cache=type:name The cache to remove. If the name is path-like, the cache type cache can be omitted. -A -a --all remove all credential caches. --no-unlog Do not remove AFS tokens. --no-delete-v4 Do not remove v4 tickets. SEE ALSO
kinit(1), klist(1) HEIMDAL
April 27, 2006 HEIMDAL

Check Out this Related Man Page

KSWITCH(1)						      General Commands Manual							KSWITCH(1)

kswitch - switch primary credential cache SYNOPSIS
kswitch {-c cachename | -p principal} DESCRIPTION
kswitch makes the specified credential cache the primary cache for the collection, if a cache collection is available. OPTIONS
-c cachename directly specifies the credential cache to be made primary. -p principal causes the cache collection to be searched for a cache containing credentials for principal. If one is found, that col- lection is made primary. ENVIRONMENT
kswitch uses the following environment variables: KRB5CCNAME Location of the default Kerberos 5 credentials (ticket) cache, in the form type:residual. If no type prefix is present, the FILE type is assumed. The type of the default cache may determine the availability of a cache collection; for instance, a default cache of type DIR causes caches within the directory to be present in the collection. FILES
/tmp/krb5cc_[uid] default location of Kerberos 5 credentials cache ([uid] is the decimal UID of the user). SEE ALSO
kinit(1), kdestroy(1), klist(1), kerberos(1) KSWITCH(1)
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