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kdcsetup(1) [osx man page]

kdcsetup(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       kdcsetup(1)

kdcsetup -- Kerberos -- Open Directory Single Sign On SYNOPSIS
kdcsetup [-v debug_level] [-a admin_name] [-p password] REALM DESCRIPTION
kdcsetup is a tool for configuring an Apple Open Directory KDC. It creates the needed Kerberos files and data for an Open Director master. -v debug_level Controls the amount of output generated by kdcsetup. 0 prints errors and very basic information. 1 prints generatal status information. Higher levels may add progressively more detail. -a admin_name Name of a directory administrator authorized to make changes in Open Directory. This admin will be used as the administrator in the KDC database. Required parameter. Note: this is not a principal name. -p password The password for the above admin. Required parameter. REALM The name of the realm that this KDC serves. Required parameter. FILES
/var/db/krb5kdc/ directory where all the config & database files for the KDC are stored /var/log/krb5kdc/ directory where the log files from the KDC are written NOTES
kdcsetup is automatically run when creating an Open Directory Master. It should NEVER be run manually and will likely be deprecated in the future. SEE ALSO
kadmind(8), kdc(8), kerberos(8), krbservicesetup(8), opendirectoryd(8), sso_util(8) Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin

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sso_util(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       sso_util(8)

sso_util -- Kerberos -- Open Directory Single Sign On SYNOPSIS
sso_util command [-args] DESCRIPTION
sso_util is a tool for setting up, interrogating and removing Kerberos configurations within the Apple Single Sign On environment. This tool can configure services, create and consume encrypted config records and tear down Kerberos installations Commands for sso_util : info [-p] [-g | -l | -L | -r dir_node_path [dir_node_path]] Returns information about the current Single Sign On environment info command arguments: -p Returns the data in XML format -g Returns the default Kerberos realm name -l Returns a list of the services sso_util knows how to Kerberize -L Returns the default Kerberos log file paths -r dir_node_path Returns whether or not the given node has a Kerberos record associated with it. If it does, it returns the default realm name. If dir_node_path is '.' (default) it also returns all the realm names available on the search path dir_node_path specifies the directory node in which to search for the computer record configure -r REALM -a admin_name [-p password] service Configures Kerberized services on the local machine for the given realm configure command arguments: -r REALM Kerberos realm for the service principals -a admin_name Account name of an administrator authorized to make changes in the Kerberos database -p password Password for the above administrator. The password can also be stored in a file and the path to the file can be passed as an environment variable - SSO_PASSWD_PATH. service Service can be any number of afp, ftp, imap, pop, smtp, ssh, fcsvr, DNS, or all useconfig [-u] [-R record_name] [-f dir_node_path] -a admin_name [-p password] Uses a secure config record to configure a server for Kerberos configure command arguments: -u Forces the update, ignoring that the update may already have been installed -R record_name Name of the Computer record containing the secure config record -f dir_node_path Specifies the directory node in which to find the given computer record -a admin_name Account name of an user authorized to use the secure config record (see generateconfig) -p password Password for the above user. The password can also be stored in a file and the path to the file can be passed as an envi- ronment variable - SSO_PASSWD_PATH. EXAMPLES
To configure a server in realm FOO.COM when you have the Kerberos administrator's password. Store the password in a file and set env var SSO_PASSWD_PATH to the file path sso_util configure -r FOO.COM -a kerberos_admin all To create a secure config record to allow the delegated administrators, Fred and Barney, to configure a server named in realm FOO.COM (using an existing computer record). The Open Directory Master for is This can be run on any server and neither Fred nor Barney need to have the Kerberos administrator's password. Store the password in a file and set env var SSO_PASSWD_PATH to the file path. sso_util generateconfig -r FOO.COM -R -f /LDAPv3/ -U Fred,Barney -a kerberos_admin all To use the secure config record to allow Barney to configure the server named Store the password in a file and set env var SSO_PASSWD_PATH to the file path. sso_util useconfig -R -f /LDAPv3/ -a Barney FILES
/etc/krb5.keytab The configure and useconfig commands create or modify the krb5.keytab file. DIAGNOSTICS
You can add -v debug_level to any of the sso_util commands. Debug level 1 provides status information, higher levels add progressively more levels of detail. The maximum is level 7. NOTES
The sso_util tool is used by the Apple Single Sign On system to set up Kerberized services integrated with the rest of the Single Sign On components. SEE ALSO
kdc(8), kdcsetup(8), kerberos(8), krbservicesetup(8) Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin
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