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jvisualvm(1) [osx man page]

jvisualvm(1)						      General Commands Manual						      jvisualvm(1)

jvisualvm - Java Virtual Machine Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Profiling Tool SYNOPSIS
jvisualvm [ options ] PARAMETERS
Options, if used, should follow immediately after the command name. Options may be in any order. For a discussion of parameters that apply to a specific option, see OPTIONS below. DESCRIPTION
Java VisualVM is an intuitive graphical user interface that provides detailed information about Java technology-based applications (Java applications) while they are running on a given Java Virtual Machine (JVM(*)). The name Java VisualVM comes from the fact that Java Visu- alVM provides information about the JVM software visually. Java VisualVM combines several monitoring, troubleshooting, and profiling utilities into a single tool. For example, most of the function- ality offered by the standalone tools jmap, jinfo, jstat and jstack have been integrated into Java VisualVM. Other functionalities, such as some of those offered by the JConsole tool, can be added as optional plug-ins. OPTIONS
The following option is possible when you launch Java VisualVM. -J<jvm_option> Pass this <jvm_option> to the JVM software. USAGE
Java VisualVM is useful to Java application developers to troubleshoot applications and to monitor and improve the applications' perfor- mance. Java VisualVM can allow developers to generate and analyse heap dumps, track down memory leaks, perform and monitor garbage collec- tion, and perform lightweight memory and CPU profiling. Plug-ins also exist that expand the functionality of Java VisualVM. For example, most of the functionality of the JConsole tool is available via the MBeans Tab and JConsole Plug-in Wrapper plug-ins. You can choose from a catalog of standard Java VisualVM plug-ins by selecting 'Tools' | 'Plugins' in the Java VisualVM menus. Start Java VisualVM with the following command: % jvisualvm <options> SEE ALSO
For more details about Java VisualVM see the following pages. o Java VisualVM developers' site @ o Java VisualVM in Java SE platform documentation @ (* The terms "Java Virtual Machine" and "JVM" mean a Virtual Machine for the Java platform.) 26 Mar 2008 jvisualvm(1)

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ant - a Java based make tool. SYNOPSIS
Like make, ant is a tool that can compile Java projects. But unlike it, ant is based on Java which means that it will run on every platform that has a Java Virtual Machine. This makes it a great tool for building Java software. By default it takes information from build.xml which describes the targets. -help, -h print help on the command line options -projecthelp, -p print project help information -version print the version information and exit -diagnostics print information that might be helpful to diagnose or report problems. -quiet, -q be extra quiet -verbose, -v be extra verbose -debug, -d print debugging information -emacs, -e produce logging information without adornments -logfile <file>, -l <file> use given file for log -logger <classname> the class which is to perform logging -listener <classname> add an instance of class as a project listener -noinput do not allow interactive input -buildfile <file>, -file <file>, -f <file> use given buildfile -D<property>=<value> use value for given property -keep-going, -k execute all targets that do not depend on failed target(s) -propertyfile <file> load all properties from file with -D properties taking precedence -inputhandler <class> the class which will handle input requests -find <file>, -s <file> (s)earch for buildfile towards the root of the filesystem and use it -nice number A niceness value for the main thread: 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest); 5 is the default -nouserlib Run ant without using the jar files from ${user.home}/.ant/lib -noclasspath Run ant without using CLASSPATH -autoproxy Java 1.5+: use the OS proxy settings -main <class> override ant's normal entry point SEE ALSO
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