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javaconfig(1) [osx man page]

javaconfig(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					     javaconfig(1)

javaconfig -- get Java configuration information SYNOPSIS
javaconfig [-vendor] key [key ...] DESCRIPTION
This tool is used to retrieve configuration data about the location of Java-related files, for building or running Java projects. The value for the specified key or keys is printed to stdout, with any environment variables such as $HOME expanded. The information is searched for in the following locations, in this order: 1. vendor-specific information in JavaConfiguration user domain 2. non-vendor-specific information in JavaConfiguration user domain 3. vendor-specific information in /System/Library/Java/JavaConfig.plist 4. non-vendor-specific information in /System/Library/Java/JavaConfig.plist The default vendor on Mac OS X is "apple". A different vendor can be specified with a -vendor flag. Typical use of this tool is: javaconfig DefaultClasspath FILES
/System/Library/Java/JavaConfig.plist System-wide Java configuration information. Mac OS X June 2, 2019 Mac OS X

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dpkg-vendor(1)							    dpkg suite							    dpkg-vendor(1)

dpkg-vendor - queries information about distribution vendors SYNOPSIS
dpkg-vendor [option...] command DESCRIPTION
dpkg-vendor is a tool to query information about vendors listed in /etc/dpkg/origins. /etc/dpkg/origins/default contains information about the current vendor. COMMANDS
--is vendor Exits with 0 if the current vendor is vendor. Otherwise exits with non-zero. --derives-from vendor Exits with 0 if the current vendor distribution is a derivative of vendor, otherwise exits with non-zero. It uses the "Parent" field to browse all ancestors of the current vendor. --query field Print on standard output the value of the vendor-specific field for the current vendor. --help Show the usage message and exit. --version Show the version and exit. OPTIONS
--vendor vendor Assumes the current vendor is vendor instead of discovering it with the DEB_VENDOR environment variable or /etc/dpkg/ori- gins/default. ENVIRONMENT
DEB_VENDOR This setting defines the current vendor. If not set, it will discover the current vendor by reading /etc/dpkg/origins/default. SEE ALSO
deb-origin(5). Debian Project 2011-11-10 dpkg-vendor(1)
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