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iprocess(1) [osx man page]

IPROCESS(1)                                                   General Commands Manual                                                  IPROCESS(1)

iprocess - simple image processing operations SYNOPSIS
iprocess [options] inputfiles... -o outputfile DESCRIPTION
iprocess is a program for simple image processing operations. OPTIONS
--help Print help message -o %s Set output filename Image operations: --add Add two images --crop %d %d %d %d Crop an image (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) --flip Flip the Image (upside-down) --flop Flop the Image (left/right mirror) Output options: --filter %s %f Set the filter to use for resize --resize %d %d Resize the image to x by y pixels SEE ALSO
iconvert(1), idiff(1), igrep(1), iinfo(1), iv(1), maketx(1), oiiotool(1). AUTHOR
OpenImageIO was written by Larry Gritz and the other authors and contributors. This manual page was written by IRIE Shinsuke <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). May 19, 2012 IPROCESS(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

IV(1)                                                         General Commands Manual                                                        IV(1)

iv - image viewer SYNOPSIS
iv [options] files... DESCRIPTION
The iv program is a great interactive image viewer. Because iv is built on top on OpenImageIO, it can display images of any formats read- able by ImageInput plugins on hand. OPTIONS
--help Print help message -v Verbose status messages -F Foreground mode SEE ALSO
iconvert(1), idiff(1), igrep(1), iinfo(1), iprocess(1), maketx(1), oiiotool(1). AUTHOR
OpenImageIO was written by Larry Gritz and the other authors and contributors. This manual page was written by IRIE Shinsuke <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). May 19, 2012 IV(1)
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