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headerdoc2html(1) [osx man page]

HEADERDOC2HTML(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 					 HEADERDOC2HTML(1)

headerdoc2html -- header documentation processor SYNOPSIS
headerdoc2html [-HXdhquvx] [-o output_dir] file [file ...] DESCRIPTION
Headerdoc2html processes the header file or files and generates HTML documentation based on specially-formatted comments. The options are as follows: -H The -H option turns on inclusion of the htmlHeader line, as specified in the config file. -X The -X option switches from HTML to XML output -d The -d option turns on extra debugging output. -h The -h option causes headerdoc to output an XML file containing metadata about the resulting document. -p The -p option turns on the C preprocessor. -q The -q option causes headerdoc to be excessively quiet. -u The -u option causes headerdoc to produce unsorted output. -v The -v option causes headerdoc to print version information. -x The -x option causes headerdoc to export fils in a format suitable for inclusion in a database. If no options are specified, headerdoc will produce directories containing its standard HTML output. FILES
/$HOME/Library/Preferences/ SEE ALSO
gatherheaderdoc(1) For more information, see the headerdoc documentation. It can be found in /Developer/Documentation/DeveloperTools if you have the developer tools package installed, or at in the developer tools documentation section. Darwin June 13, 2003 Darwin

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HEADERDOC2HTML(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 					 HEADERDOC2HTML(1)

headerdoc2html -- header documentation processor SYNOPSIS
headerdoc2html [-HXdhquvx] [-o output_dir] file [file ...] DESCRIPTION
Headerdoc2html processes the header file or files and generates HTML documentation based on specially-formatted comments. The options are as follows: -H The -H option turns on inclusion of the htmlHeader line, as specified in the config file. -X The -X option switches from HTML to XML output -d The -d option turns on extra debugging output. -h The -h option causes headerdoc to output an XML file containing metadata about the resulting document. -q The -q option causes headerdoc to be excessively quiet. -u The -u option causes headerdoc to produce unsorted output. -v The -v option causes headerdoc to print version information. -x The -x option causes headerdoc to export fils in a format suitable for inclusion in a database. If no options are specified, headerdoc will produce directories containing its standard HTML output. FILES
/$HOME/Library/Preferences/ SEE ALSO
gatherheaderdoc(1) For more information, see the headerdoc documentation. It can be found in /Developer/Documentation/DeveloperTools if you have the developer tools package installed, or at in the developer tools documentation section. Darwin June 13, 2003 Darwin
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