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hal-find-by-capability(1) [osx man page]

HAL-FIND-BY-CAPABILITY(1)				      General Commands Manual					 HAL-FIND-BY-CAPABILITY(1)

hal-find-by-capability - find device objects by capability matching SYNOPSIS
hal-find-by-capability [options] DESCRIPTION
hal-get-capability finds device object in the HAL device database by looking at device capabilities. For more information about both the big picture and specific HAL properties, refer to the HAL spec which can be found in /usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html depending on the distribution. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: --capability The name of the capability. --verbose Verbose output. --help Print out usage. --version Print the version. RETURN VALUE
If devices matching the given capability are found each UDI (Unique Device Identifier) is printed on stdout and the program exits with exit code 0. If no devices are found or an error occured, the program exits with a non-zero exit code. BUGS
Please send bug reports to either the distribution or the HAL mailing list, see on how to subscribe. SEE ALSO
hald(8), lshal(1), hal-set-property(1), hal-get-property(1), hal-find-by-property(1), dbus-send(1) AUTHOR
Written by David Zeuthen <> with a lot of help from many others. HAL-FIND-BY-CAPABILITY(1)

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HAL-FIND-BY-CAPABILITY(1)                                     General Commands Manual                                    HAL-FIND-BY-CAPABILITY(1)

hal-find-by-capability - find device objects by capability matching SYNOPSIS
hal-find-by-capability [options] DESCRIPTION
hal-get-capability finds device object in the HAL device database by looking at device capabilities. For more information about both the big picture and specific HAL properties, refer to the HAL spec which can be found in /usr/share/doc/hal-doc/spec/hal-spec.html depending on the distribution. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: --capability The name of the capability. --verbose Verbose output. --help Print out usage. --version Print the version. RETURN VALUE
If devices matching the given capability are found each UDI (Unique Device Identifier) is printed on stdout and the program exits with exit code 0. If no devices are found or an error occured, the program exits with a non-zero exit code. BUGS
Please send bug reports to either the distribution or the HAL mailing list, see on how to subscribe. SEE ALSO
hald(8), lshal(1), hal-set-property(1), hal-get-property(1), hal-find-by-property(1), dbus-send(1) AUTHOR
Written by David Zeuthen <> with a lot of help from many others. HAL-FIND-BY-CAPABILITY(1)
Man Page

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