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git-instaweb(1) [osx man page]

GIT-INSTAWEB(1) 						    Git Manual							   GIT-INSTAWEB(1)

git-instaweb - Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb SYNOPSIS
git instaweb [--local] [--httpd=<httpd>] [--port=<port>] [--browser=<browser>] git instaweb [--start] [--stop] [--restart] DESCRIPTION
A simple script to set up gitweb and a web server for browsing the local repository. OPTIONS
-l, --local Only bind the web server to the local IP ( -d, --httpd The HTTP daemon command-line that will be executed. Command-line options may be specified here, and the configuration file will be added at the end of the command-line. Currently apache2, lighttpd, mongoose, plackup and webrick are supported. (Default: lighttpd) -m, --module-path The module path (only needed if httpd is Apache). (Default: /usr/lib/apache2/modules) -p, --port The port number to bind the httpd to. (Default: 1234) -b, --browser The web browser that should be used to view the gitweb page. This will be passed to the git web--browse helper script along with the URL of the gitweb instance. See git-web--browse(1) for more information about this. If the script fails, the URL will be printed to stdout. start, --start Start the httpd instance and exit. Regenerate configuration files as necessary for spawning a new instance. stop, --stop Stop the httpd instance and exit. This does not generate any of the configuration files for spawning a new instance, nor does it close the browser. restart, --restart Restart the httpd instance and exit. Regenerate configuration files as necessary for spawning a new instance. CONFIGURATION
You may specify configuration in your .git/config [instaweb] local = true httpd = apache2 -f port = 4321 browser = konqueror modulePath = /usr/lib/apache2/modules If the configuration variable instaweb.browser is not set, web.browser will be used instead if it is defined. See git-web--browse(1) for more information about this. SEE ALSO
gitweb(1) GIT
Part of the git(1) suite Git 2.17.1 10/05/2018 GIT-INSTAWEB(1)

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GIT-WEB--BROWSE(1)						    Git Manual							GIT-WEB--BROWSE(1)

git-web--browse - Git helper script to launch a web browser SYNOPSIS
git web--browse [OPTIONS] URL/FILE ... DESCRIPTION
This script tries, as much as possible, to display the URLs and FILEs that are passed as arguments, as HTML pages in new tabs on an already opened web browser. The following browsers (or commands) are currently supported: o firefox (this is the default under X Window when not using KDE) o iceweasel o seamonkey o iceape o chromium (also supported as chromium-browser) o google-chrome (also supported as chrome) o konqueror (this is the default under KDE, see Note about konqueror below) o opera o w3m (this is the default outside graphical environments) o elinks o links o lynx o dillo o open (this is the default under Mac OS X GUI) o start (this is the default under MinGW) Custom commands may also be specified. OPTIONS
-b <browser>, --browser=<browser> Use the specified browser. It must be in the list of supported browsers. -t <browser>, --tool=<browser> Same as above. -c <conf.var>, --config=<conf.var> CONF.VAR is looked up in the Git config files. If it's set, then its value specifies the browser that should be used. CONFIGURATION VARIABLES
CONF.VAR (from -c option) and web.browser The web browser can be specified using a configuration variable passed with the -c (or --config) command line option, or the web.browser configuration variable if the former is not used. browser.<tool>.path You can explicitly provide a full path to your preferred browser by setting the configuration variable browser.<tool>.path. For example, you can configure the absolute path to firefox by setting browser.firefox.path. Otherwise, git web--browse assumes the tool is available in PATH. browser.<tool>.cmd When the browser, specified by options or configuration variables, is not among the supported ones, then the corresponding browser.<tool>.cmd configuration variable will be looked up. If this variable exists then git web--browse will treat the specified tool as a custom command and will use a shell eval to run the command with the URLs passed as arguments. NOTE ABOUT KONQUEROR
When konqueror is specified by a command line option or a configuration variable, we launch kfmclient to try to open the HTML man page on an already opened konqueror in a new tab if possible. For consistency, we also try such a trick if browser.konqueror.path is set to something like A_PATH_TO/konqueror. That means we will try to launch A_PATH_TO/kfmclient instead. If you really want to use konqueror, then you can use something like the following: [web] browser = konq [browser "konq"] cmd = A_PATH_TO/konqueror Note about git-config --global Note that these configuration variables should probably be set using the --global flag, for example like this: $ git config --global web.browser firefox as they are probably more user specific than repository specific. See git-config(1) for more information about this. GIT
Part of the git(1) suite Git 06/10/2014 GIT-WEB--BROWSE(1)
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