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dscacheutil(1) [osx man page]

dscacheutil(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					    dscacheutil(1)

dscacheutil -- gather information, statistics and initiate queries to the Directory Service cache. SYNOPSIS
dscacheutil -h dscacheutil -q category [-a key value] dscacheutil -cachedump [-buckets] [-entries [category]] dscacheutil -configuration dscacheutil -flushcache dscacheutil -statistics DESCRIPTION
dscacheutil does various operations against the Directory Service cache including gathering statistics, initiating lookups, inspection, cache flush, etc. This tool replaces most of the functionality of the lookupd tool previously available in the OS. FLAGS
A list of flags and their descriptions: -h Lists the options for calling dscacheutil -q category Initiate a query using standard calls. These calls will either return results from the cache or go fetch live data and place them in the cache. By default if no specific query is requested via -a then all results within that category will be returned. -a key value Optional flag to -q for a specific key with a value. -cachedump Dumps an overview of the cache by default. Additional flags will provide more detailed information. -buckets Used in conjunction with -cachedump to also print hash bucket usage of the current cache. -entries [category] Used in conjunction with -cachedump to dump detailed information about cache entries. An optional category can be supplied to only see types of interest. Dumping 'host' entries can only be done by administrative users. -configuration Prints current configuration information, such as the search policy from Directory Service and cache parameters. -flushcache Flushes the entire cache. This should only be used in extreme cases. Validation information is used within the cache along with other techniques to ensure the OS has valid information available to it. -statistics Prints statistics from the cache including an overview and detailed call statistics. Some calls are not cached but are derived from other calls internally. Cache hits and cache misses may not always be equal to external calls. For example getaddrinfo is actually a combination of gethostbyname with other calls internally to the cache to maximize cache hit rate. Available categories and associated keys: group name or gid host name or ip_address (used for both IPv6 and IPv4) mount name protocol name or number rpc name or number service name or port user name or uid EXAMPLES
Lookup a user: % dscacheutil -q user -a name jdoe name: jdoe password: ******** uid: 501 gid: 501 dir: /Users/jdoe shell: /bin/csh gecos: John Doe Lookup all users: % dscacheutil -q user Dump cache overview: % dscacheutil -cachedump Dump cache details with user entries: % dscacheutil -cachedump -entries user SEE ALSO
DirectoryService(8), dsmemberutil(1) Darwin Jan 14, 2007 Darwin

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dsmemberutil(1) 					    BSD General Commands Manual 					   dsmemberutil(1)

dsmemberutil -- various operations for the membership APIs, including state dump, check memberships, UUIDs, etc. SYNOPSIS
dsmemberutil [-v] [-h] command [options] DESCRIPTION
dsmemberutil is a program that implements the membership API calls in a command line utility. FLAGS
A list of flags and their descriptions: -h Lists the options for calling dsmemberutil -v Causes dsmemberutil to operate in verbose mode. COMMANDS
The action of each command is described below: getuuid -ugUGsS value Takes any of the options and returns the associated UUID. getid -UGsSX value Takes any of the options and returns the associated UID or GID depending on option provided. getsid -ugUGX value Takes any of the options and returns the associated SID. checkmembership -uUxs param -gGXS param Returns if a user or group with the associated option is a member of the group. flushcache Flushes the current membership cache. Legacy commands such as dumpstate and statistics are gone. See odutil(1) for show cache and statistics operations. A list of options available. In some cases -xX and -sS can be used synonymously due to nature of the value. -u uid Using user with UID -U name Using user with name -s sid Using user with SID -x uuid Using user with UUID -g gid Using group with GID -G name Using group with name -S sid Using group with SID -X uuid Using group with UUID EXAMPLES
Get a user's uuid: % dsmemberutil getuuid -u 501 EEA4F2F6-B268-49E7-9C6F-E3C4A37DA4FD Get a group's uuid % dsmemberutil getuuid -g 0 ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000 Get a user's or group's id from a uuid % dsmemberutil getid -X ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF0000000C gid: 12 Check a user's membership in a group (using UID and GID) % dsmemberutil checkmembership -u 501 -g 0 user is not a member of the group Check a user's membership in a group (using names) % dsmemberutil checkmembership -U root -G wheel user is a member of the group SEE ALSO
odutil(1), dseditgroup(1), dscacheutil(1) Darwin Jan 1, 2007 Darwin
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