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desdp(1) [osx man page]

DESDP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  DESDP(1)

desdp -- scripting definition generator SYNOPSIS
desdp application DESCRIPTION
desdp generates a scripting definition (``sdef'') from the specified scriptable application and writes it to standard output. The original dictionary may be either an aete resource or a set of Cocoa suite definition files (scriptSuite/scriptTerminology pairs). desdp is primarily useful for developers with an existing scriptable application who want a shortcut to creating an sdef(5) file. While the resulting sdef will contain all the information in the original dictionary, it will probably not be perfect, since sdef(5) is more expressive than either of the older aete or suite definition formats. For instance, aete cannot specify which commands an object responds to, and suite definitions cannot specify the ordering of terms. SEE ALSO
sdef(5), sdp(1) BUGS
desdp does not yet correctly support Cocoa ``Synonym'' sections or synonymous terms or codes in aete. Mac OS X June 6, 2002 Mac OS X

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Mac::AETE::App(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					 Mac::AETE::App(3)

Mac::AETE::App - reads the Macintosh Apple event dictionary from an application. SYNOPSIS
use Mac::AETE::App; use Mac::AETE::Format::Dictionary; $app = App->new("My Application"); $formatter = Dictionary->new; $app->set_format($formatter); $app->read; $app->write; DESCRIPTION
The App module simplifies reading the Apple event dictionary from an application. It will launch the application if necessary to obtain the dictionary. Methods new Example: ($name is the name of the application.) use Mac::AETE::App; use Mac::AETE::Format::Dictionary; $app = App->new($aete_handle, $name); read (Inherited from Mac::AETE::Parser.) Reads the data contained in the AETE resource or handle. Example: $app->read; set_format (Inherited from Mac::AETE::Parser.) Sets the output formatter used during by the 'write' subroutine. Example: $formatter = Dictionary->new; $app->set_format($formatter); copy (Inherited from Mac::AETE::Parser.) Copies all suites from one Parser object into another. Example: $aete2 = Parser->new($aete_handle2, $another_name); $app->copy($aete2); copies the suites from $aete2 into $aete. merge (Inherited from Mac::AETE::Parser.) Merges suites from one Parser object into another. Only the suites that exist in both objects will be replaced. Example: $aete3 = Parser->new($aete_handle2, $another_name); $app->merge($aete3); write (Inherited from Mac::AETE::Parser.) Prints the contents of the AETE or AEUT resource using the current formatter. $app->write; INHERITANCE
Inherits from Mac::AETE::Parser. AUTHOR
David Schooley <> perl v5.10.0 2005-05-16 Mac::AETE::App(3)
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