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delcr(1) [osx man page]

delcr(1)						      General Commands Manual							  delcr(1)

delcr - remove a CR before each LF SYNOPSIS
delcr removes a CR at the end of each line of input, if a CR is present. It also removes a CR at the end of a partial final line. The pipeline addcr | delcr prints an exact copy of its input. COMPATIBILITY
Some vendors ship dos2unix or dos2bsd tools similar to delcr. Those tools often blow up on long lines and nulls. delcr has no trouble with long lines and nulls. SEE ALSO
addcr(1) delcr(1)

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unifdef(1)						      General Commands Manual							unifdef(1)

unifdef - Removes #ifdefed lines SYNOPSIS
unifdef [-tlc] [-Dsymbol] [-idsymbol] [-iusymbol] [file] [-Usymbol] The unifdef command partially simulates the behavior of the C preprocessor in processing #ifdef conditionals. OPTIONS
Complements the action of unifdef; retains lines that would normally be removed and removes lines that would normally be retained. Speci- fies symbol as a defined #ifdef symbol. Specifies defined lines inside certain #ifdefs to be ignored but copied out. Specifies undefined lines inside certain #ifdefs to be ignored and not copied out. Replaces removed lines with blank lines instead of deleting them. Pro- cesses plain text (rather than C code) input. The unifdef command does not try to recognize comments, single quotes, and double quotes. Specifies symbol as an undefined #ifdef symbol. DESCRIPTION
The unifdef command recognizes nested #ifdefs, comments, single and double quotes of C syntax so that it can function correctly, but does not include files or interpret macros. The unifdef command recognizes, but does not remove comments. The unifdef command takes its input from stdin if no file argument is given, and copies its output to stdout. You specify the symbols you want defined with -Dsymbol or undefined with -Usymbol and the lines inside those #ifdefs are copied to the out- put or removed, as appropriate. The #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, and endif lines associated with symbol are also removed. The #ifdefs involving unspecified symbols are untouched and copied out along with their associated #ifdef, #else, elif, and #endif lines. If the same symbol appears in more than one argument, only the first occurrence is significant. For instance, if an #ifdef X occurs nested inside another #ifdef X, the inside #ifdef is considered an unrecognized symbol. If you use #ifdefs to delimit non-C lines, such as comments or unfinished code, it is necessary to specify which symbols are to be used for that purpose. Otherwise, the unifdef command tries to parse for quotes and comments in those #ifdef lines. Keywords The following keywords can be used with the unifdef command: ifdef ifndef else endif elif The unifdef command uses the elif keyword as follows. (Note that "Understood" means unifdef knows how to convert elif to if.) Understood Not understood Not understood For example: # ifdef X x # elif defined (Y) y # elif defined (A) || defined (B) a # else default # endif The following list shows the results of using the elif keyword with variables: -DX x -UX # if defined (Y) y # elif defined (A) || defined (B) a # else default # endif -UX -DY y -UY -UX # if defined (Y) y # elif defined (A) || defined (B) a # else default # endif -UY -UX -DA # if defined (Y) y # elif defined (A) || defined (B) a # else default # endif NOTES
The unifdef command cannot process cpp constructs such as: #if defined(X) || defined(Y) DIAGNOSTICS
The unifdef command can fail for several reasons: a premature end of file, or an inappropriate else, elif, or endif. EXIT STATUS
Exit status is 0 if output is an exact copy of input, 1 if not, 2 if the unifdef command fails. EXAMPLES
The following command line causes the unifdef command to read the file original.c and remove the #ifdef A lines. It then removes every- thing following an #elif/#else associated with the #ifdef A down to the #endif: unifdef -DA original.c > modified.c The following command line causes the unifdef command to read the file original.c, and remove the #ifdef A down to either its associated #elif/#else, or its associated #endif: unifdef -UA original.c > modified.c In the case of the #elif, the #elif is replaced with #if. In the case of #else, the #else is deleted along with its associated #endif. SEE ALSO
Commands: diff(1) unifdef(1)
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