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dbilogstrip(1) [osx man page]

DBILOGSTRIP(1)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					    DBILOGSTRIP(1)

dbilogstrip - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing SYNOPSIS
Read DBI trace file "dbitrace.log" and write out a stripped version to "dbitrace_stripped.log" dbilogstrip dbitrace.log > dbitrace_stripped.log Run "" twice, each with different sets of arguments, with DBI_TRACE enabled. Filter the output and trace through "dbilogstrip" into a separate file for each run. Then compare using diff. (This example assumes you're using a standard shell.) DBI_TRACE=2 perl ...args1... 2>&1 | dbilogstrip > dbitrace1.log DBI_TRACE=2 perl ...args2... 2>&1 | dbilogstrip > dbitrace2.log diff -u dbitrace1.log dbitrace2.log DESCRIPTION
Replaces any hex addresses, e.g, 0x128f72ce with "0xN". Replaces any references to process id or thread id, like "pid#6254" with "pidN". So a DBI trace line like this: -> STORE for DBD::DBM::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x19162a0)~0x191f9c8 'f_params' ARRAY(0x1922018)) thr#1800400 will look like this: -> STORE for DBD::DBM::st (DBI::st=HASH(0xN)~0xN 'f_params' ARRAY(0xN)) thrN perl v5.16.2 2013-08-25 DBILOGSTRIP(1)

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DBILOGSTRIP(1)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					    DBILOGSTRIP(1)

dbilogstrip - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing SYNOPSIS
Read DBI trace file "dbitrace.log" and write out a stripped version to "dbitrace_stripped.log" dbilogstrip dbitrace.log > dbitrace_stripped.log Run "" twice, each with different sets of arguments, with DBI_TRACE enabled. Filter the output and trace through "dbilogstrip" into a separate file for each run. Then compare using diff. (This example assumes you're using a standard shell.) DBI_TRACE=2 perl ...args1... 2>&1 | dbilogstrip > dbitrace1.log DBI_TRACE=2 perl ...args2... 2>&1 | dbilogstrip > dbitrace2.log diff -u dbitrace1.log dbitrace2.log DESCRIPTION
Replaces any hex addresses, e.g, 0x128f72ce with "0xN". Replaces any references to process id or thread id, like "pid#6254" with "pidN". So a DBI trace line like this: -> STORE for DBD::DBM::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x19162a0)~0x191f9c8 'f_params' ARRAY(0x1922018)) thr#1800400 will look like this: -> STORE for DBD::DBM::st (DBI::st=HASH(0xN)~0xN 'f_params' ARRAY(0xN)) thrN perl v5.18.2 2018-09-13 DBILOGSTRIP(1)
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