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cpmac(1) [osx man page]

CPMAC(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  CPMAC(1)

/usr/bin/CpMac -- copy files preserving metadata and forks SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/CpMac [-rp] [-mac] source target /usr/bin/CpMac [-rp] [-mac] source ... directory DESCRIPTION
In its first form, the /usr/bin/CpMac utility copies the contents of the file named by the source operand to the destination path named by the target operand. This form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already existing directory. In its second form, /usr/bin/CpMac copies each file named by a source operand to a destination directory named by the directory operand. The destination path for each operand is the pathname produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the final pathname compo- nent of the named file. The following options are available: -r If source designates a directory, /usr/bin/CpMac copies the directory and the entire subtree connected at that point. This option also causes symbolic links to be copied, rather than indirected through, and for /usr/bin/CpMac to create special files rather than copying them as normal files. Created directories have the same mode as the corresponding source directory, unmodified by the process' umask. -p Causes /usr/bin/CpMac to preserve in the copy as many of the modification time, access time, file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID as allowed by permissions. -mac Allows use of HFS-style paths for both source and target. Path elements must be separated by colons, and the path must begin with a volume name or a colon (to designate current directory). NOTES
The /usr/bin/CpMac command does not support the same options as the POSIX cp command, and is much less flexible in its operands. It cannot be used as a direct substitute for cp in scripts. As of Mac OS X 10.4, the cp command preserves metadata and resource forks of files on Extended HFS volumes, so it can be used in place of CpMac. The /usr/bin/CpMac command will be deprecated in future versions of Mac OS X. SEE ALSO
cp(1) MvMac(1) Mac OS X April 12, 2004 Mac OS X

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MV(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						     MV(1)

mv -- move files SYNOPSIS
mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directory DESCRIPTION
In its first form, the mv utility renames the file named by the source operand to the destination path named by the target operand. This form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already existing directory. In its second form, mv moves each file named by a source operand to a destination file in the existing directory named by the directory oper- and. The destination path for each operand is the pathname produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the final path- name component of the named file. The following options are available: -f Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination path. (The -f option overrides any previous -i or -n options.) -i Cause mv to write a prompt to standard error before moving a file that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input begins with the character 'y' or 'Y', the move is attempted. (The -i option overrides any previous -f or -n options.) -n Do not overwrite an existing file. (The -n option overrides any previous -f or -i options.) -v Cause mv to be verbose, showing files after they are moved. It is an error for either the source operand or the destination path to specify a directory unless both do. If the destination path does not have a mode which permits writing, mv prompts the user for confirmation as specified for the -i option. As the rename(2) call does not work across file systems, mv uses cp(1) and rm(1) to accomplish the move. The effect is equivalent to: rm -f destination_path && cp -pRP source_file destination && rm -rf source_file DIAGNOSTICS
The mv utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. The command "mv dir/afile dir" will abort with an error message. LEGACY DIAGNOSTICS
In legacy mode, the command "mv dir/afile dir" will fail silently, returning an exit code of 0. For more information about legacy mode, see compat(5). SEE ALSO
cp(1), rm(1), symlink(7) COMPATIBILITY
The -n and -v options are non-standard and their use in scripts is not recommended. The mv utility now supports HFS+ Finder and Extended Attributes and resource forks. The mv utility will no longer strip resource forks off of HFS files. For an alternative method, refer to cp(1). STANDARDS
The mv utility is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible. HISTORY
A mv command appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX. BSD
July 9, 2002 BSD
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