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CPlusTestRig(1) 					    BSD General Commands Manual 					   CPlusTestRig(1)

CPlusTestRig -- runs CPlusTest unit test bundles SYNOPSIS
CPlusTestRig [-test testname] testbundle DESCRIPTION
CPlusTestRig loads and runs the bundle testbundle containing unit tests built with the CPlusTest framework (/System/Library/Frameworks/CPlus- Test.framework). If one or more [-test testname] pairs is specified only those tests (TestCase and TestSuite instances) in testbundle are run. If no such pairs are specified, all TestCase and TestSuite instances are run as part of the default "All" test suite. CPlusTestRig is intended for testing frameworks and libraries. That is, it must be possible for CPlusTestRig to load testbundle into its own address space. To test applications, use RunUnitTests(1) instead. To test a framework or library in a location other than the one recorded in testbundle at link time, use dyld(1) environment variables such as DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to ensure that the nonstandard location is searched. ENVIRONMENT
CPlusTestDelayExit If this environment variable is present, CPlusTestRig will print its process ID to standard output and delay exit indefi- nitely upon completion. This is useful for running leaks(1) or other debugging tools. FILES
/Developer/Tools/CPlusTestRig /System/Library/Frameworks/CPlusTest.framework SEE ALSO
dyld(1), leaks(1), RunUnitTests(1) Mac OS X June 2, 2019 Mac OS X

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RunUnitTests(1) 					    BSD General Commands Manual 					   RunUnitTests(1)

RunUnitTests -- run unit tests for the current target SYNOPSIS
RunUnitTests examines its environment to determine what type of test bundle the current target represents, and runs the bundle's tests in the most appropriate fashion. If possible, it will run the tests for all appropriate architectures in sequence, and will run the tests with Objective-C garbage collection enabled or disabled as appropriate. RunUnitTests is intended to be called from a shell script build phase in a unit test bundle target. It expects certain environment variables to be configured from Xcode project build settings; these environment variables are described below. When called from a shell script build phase, RunUnitTests will only run tests on build, not on install or any other build action. See xcodebuild(1) for more information on build actions. If no host application is specified in the TEST_HOST environment variable, RunUnitTests will use the extension of the test bundle (as speci- fied by the WRAPPER_EXTENSION environment variable) to determine whether to use CPlusTestRig(1) or otest(1) to load and run the tests in the test bundle, for extensions "cptest" and "octest" respectively. If a host application is specified, RunUnitTests will execute the application directly and inject the test bundle into the application, and pass arguments to the application to cause its tests to be run based on the extension of the test bundle. In either case, if additional test arguments are specified in the OTHER_TEST_FLAGS environment variable, these will be passed to the test rig or to the application being tested in an appropriate fashion. If RunUnitTests is not run from a shell script build phase, unless otherwise specified it will use the current working directory as BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR and assume "build" is the current build action. ENVIRONMENT
ACTION The current build action. Tests are only run for "build" builds, not "install" or other builds. Defaults to "build" if unspecified. ARCHS (Optional) The architectures the tests have been built for. Defaults to the result of arch(1) if not specified. CURRENT_ARCH (Optional) The currently-selected Active Architecture. Defaults to the result of arch(1) if not specified. DEVELOPER_DIR The Xcode folder, e.g. "/Developer". Defaults to "/Developer" if unspecified. BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR The directory containing built products; when tests are run, this is specified as DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FRAME- WORK_PATH. Defaults to the current working directory if unspecified. GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC (Optional) Whether the test bundle has been built with Objective-C garbage collection support; used to determine whether to run the test bundle with garbage collection enabled or disabled. Possible values are unsupported, supported, and required. Defaults to unsupported if unspecified. When set to supported, RunUnitTests will run the tests for all appropriate architectures once with Objective-C garbage collection enabled, and again with Objective-C garbage collection disabled, under the assumption that dual-mode code (that is, code that can be used both with and without Objective-C garbage collection) should be tested in both modes. NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL (Optional) The native architecture of the hardware running tests; used to determine the architectures of tests that can be run. For example, ppc64 hardware can run tests for ppc and ppc64 while i386 hardware can run tests for i386 and ppc. Defaults to the result of arch(1) if not specified. ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH (Optional) If set to YES, only the current Active Architecture as specified by CURRENT_ARCH will be tested, regardless of the value of ARCHS. Defaults to NO if unspecified. OTHER_TEST_FLAGS (Optional) Additional arguments to pass to the test rig or application under test. If being passed to a test rig, these arguments are passed prior to the path of the test bundle to load; for an application, these are its final arguments. PRODUCT_NAME The name (with no extension) of the product generated by the unit test bundle target. TEST_HOST (Optional) The full path to an executable into which to "inject" the specified unit test bundle. For an application, this must be the full path to the application within its wrapper. Do not set this for frameworks or libraries. TEST_RIG (Optional) The full path to an executable to use as a test rig instead of either CPlusTestRig(1) or otest(1). The exe- cutable must take a path to a test bundle as its final argument. Its DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH will be configured to point to the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR prior to execution. Do not set this if you are using one of the default test rigs. VALID_ARCHS (Optional) The architectures for which it is valid to build and run tests, which is normally a superset of the architec- tures for which the tests are actually built. Defaults to the result of arch(1) if not specified. WRAPPER_EXTENSION The extension of the product generated by the unit test bundle target. RunUnitTests will use this to infer the appropri- ate test rig to use. For "cptest" it will use CPlusTestRig(1). For "octest" it will use otest(1). For anything else, it will return an error unless a TEST_RIG is also specified. FILES
/Developer/Tools/RunUnitTests SEE ALSO
arch(1), CPlusTestRig(1), otest(1), xcodebuild(1) Mac OS X June 2, 2019 Mac OS X
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