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bsdiff(1) [osx man page]

BSDIFF(1)                                                   BSD General Commands Manual                                                  BSDIFF(1)

bsdiff -- generate a patch between two binary files SYNOPSIS
bsdiff <oldfile> <newfile> <patchfile> DESCRIPTION
bsdiff compares <oldfile> to <newfile> and writes to <patchfile> a binary patch suitable for use by bspatch(1). When <oldfile> and <newfile> are two versions of an executable program, the patches produced are on average a factor of five smaller than those produced by any other binary patch tool known to the author. bsdiff uses memory equal to 17 times the size of <oldfile>, and requires an absolute minimum working set size of 8 times the size of oldfile. SEE ALSO
bspatch(1) AUTHORS
Colin Percival <> FreeBSD May 18, 2003 FreeBSD

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aha(1)								 Ansi HTML Adapter							    aha(1)

aha - Ansi HTML Adapter SYNOPSIS
aha [options] [-f datei] DESCRIPTION
aha takes SGR-colored Input and prints W3C conform HTML-Code. aha reads the Input from a file or stdin and writes HTML-Code to stdout. OPTIONS
--help , -h , -? A help like this --black , -b Black Background and white "standard color" --pink , -p Pink Background --iso X , -i X Uses ISO 8859-X instead of utf-8. X must be 1..16 --title X , -t X Gives the html output the title --line-fix , -l Uses a fix for inputs using control sequences to change the cursor position like htop. It's a hot fix, it may not work with any pro- gram like htop. (See EXAMPLE) EXAMPLE
aha --help | aha --black --title "the awesome aha help"> aha-help.htm Creates an HTML file with the help of aha with black background colordiff oldfile.c newfile.c | aha > colordiff.htm Creates an HTML file with a colorful diff-output of two files "oldfile.c" and "newfile.c" with white background ls --color=always | aha --pink > ls.htm Creates an HTML file with a colorful ls-output with pink background. echo a | htop | aha --black --line-fix > htop.htm Creates an HTML file with the output of htop. You have to use --line-fix due the other new-line-commands htop uses. AUTHOR
Copyleft Alexander Matthes aka Ziz 2011 SEE ALSO August 31, 2011 aha(1)
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