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basename(1) [osx man page]

BASENAME(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       BASENAME(1)

basename, dirname -- return filename or directory portion of pathname SYNOPSIS
basename string [suffix] basename [-a] [-s suffix] string [...] dirname string DESCRIPTION
The basename utility deletes any prefix ending with the last slash '/' character present in string (after first stripping trailing slashes), and a suffix, if given. The suffix is not stripped if it is identical to the remaining characters in string. The resulting filename is written to the standard output. A non-existent suffix is ignored. If -a is specified, then every argument is treated as a string as if basename were invoked with just one argument. If -s is specified, then the suffix is taken as its argument, and all other arguments are treated as a string. The dirname utility deletes the filename portion, beginning with the last slash '/' character to the end of string (after first stripping trailing slashes), and writes the result to the standard output. EXAMPLES
The following line sets the shell variable FOO to /usr/bin. FOO=`dirname /usr/bin/trail` DIAGNOSTICS
The basename and dirname utilities exit 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
csh(1), sh(1) STANDARDS
The basename and dirname utilities are expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible. BSD
April 18, 1994 BSD

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BASENAME(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       BASENAME(1)

basename, dirname -- return filename or directory portion of pathname SYNOPSIS
basename string [suffix] basename [-a] [-s suffix] string [...] dirname string DESCRIPTION
The basename utility deletes any prefix ending with the last slash '/' character present in string (after first stripping trailing slashes), and a suffix, if given. The suffix is not stripped if it is identical to the remaining characters in string. The resulting filename is written to the standard output. A non-existent suffix is ignored. If -a is specified, then every argument is treated as a string as if basename were invoked with just one argument. If -s is specified, then the suffix is taken as its argument, and all other arguments are treated as a string. The dirname utility deletes the filename portion, beginning with the last slash '/' character to the end of string (after first stripping trailing slashes), and writes the result to the standard output. EXAMPLES
The following line sets the shell variable FOO to /usr/bin. FOO=`dirname /usr/bin/trail` DIAGNOSTICS
The basename and dirname utilities exit 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
csh(1), sh(1) STANDARDS
The basename and dirname utilities are expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible. BSD
April 18, 1994 BSD
Man Page

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