AVCONVERT(1) BSD General Commands Manual AVCONVERT(1)NAME
avconvert -- movie conversion tool
avconvert [-hvq] --p <preset_name> --s <source_media> --o <output_movie>
avconvert can be used to compress video media to different types for sharing on the web or loading onto devices.
-h prints usage information and available presets
-v sets the console output to verbose
-q sets the console output to quiet
-prog shows progress during the export (default with -v)
-p | --preset name
converts the source media to an output file using the specified preset. Use --listPresets to get the full list. Common presets are:
-s | --source file
is the source media file
-o | --output file
is the output movie file
lists all of the presets avconvert supports
lists the available tracks in the source media. Must be used with the --source flag
Optional flags to configure the audio export settings
-adr number a limit value for the data rate for the audio track in bits per second
-af fourCC sets the format of the audio output using a fourCC eg. aac
-sr number configures the sample rate of the output in Hertz. eg. 44100
-cc number is the channel count of the output eg. 1 (for mono) 2 (stereo) 4 (quad)
Optional flags to configure the video export settings
-vdr number a limit value for the video data rate in bits per second
-th number sets the height of the output video in pixels
-tw number sets the width of the output video in pixels
-vc fourCC sets the format of the video output using a fourCC eg. avc1
-fr number sets the frame rate of the output video in frames per second
-kr number specifies how often keyframes appear in the output video
-fr yes | no sets whether or not to enable frame reordering (b-frames)
Optional flags configuring track and metadata output
-ot name omits the listed track type from the exported movie Allowable track types are:
-md file sets the file from which the metadata for the export is found if that is different from the source movie
avconvert --listPresets
Lists the available presets that can be used for export
avconvert --preset AppleM4ViPod --source sample_movie.mov --output ipod_movie.m4v
Exports the source movie "sample_movie.mov" to "ipod_movie.m4v" using the iPod encoding preset
avconvert --preset AppleM4VAppleTV --source sample_movie.mov --output appletv_movie.m4v -adr 128000 -sr 441000
Overrides the AppleTV defaults for audio data rate and sample rate in the output movie
avconvert --preset AppleM4VAppleTV --source sample_movie.mov --output appletv_movie.m4v -ot audioTrack
Omits the audio track from the output file "appletv_movie.m4v"
avconvert command first appeared in Mac OS X 10.7.
Mac OS X December 14, 2011 Mac OS X
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qtmodernizer(1) BSD General Commands Manual qtmodernizer(1)NAME
-- Tool to convert legacy movies to modern format with minimal changes.
qtmodernizer [options ...] pathToSource [pathToDestination]
qtmodernizer is a command line tool to examine a media file which may be in a legacy format or may contain legacy media tracks. In this case
a legacy format is one which cannot be read directly by CoreMedia or AVFoundation frameworks.
qtmodernizer examines all the tracks to determine if they are all in a form that can currently be played. If all tracks are playable and the
format is readable, qtmodernizer does returns and does nothing. If any of the audio or video tracks are encoded with a codec that CoreMedia
does not support, that track will be converted to a modern format, usually H.264 for video and AAC for audio (see --useprores for other
Command line options of qtmodernize:
-h | --help
-p | --useprores
If -p or --useprores is specified, qtmodernizer will use the ProRes video codec and LPCM audio codec instead of H.264 and AAC-LC.
For video tracks it will produce AppleProRes422. For audio it will produce uncompressed output (lpcm). Tracks outher than audio or
video are not re-encoded and will not be affected. Either AppleProRes422 may be chosen or the AppleProRes4444 option may be chosen
but not both.
-p4 | --useprores4444
If -p4 or --useprores4444 is specified, qtmodernizer will use the ProRes4444 video codec and LPCM audio codec instead of H.264 and
AAC-LC. For video tracks it will produce AppleProRes4444. For audio it will produce uncompressed output (lpcm). Tracks outher than
audio or video are not re-encoded and will not be affected. Either AppleProRes4444 may be chosen or the AppleProRes422 option may be
chosen but not both.
-r | --replace
Normally qtmodernizer will not replace any existing files. If --replace is specified, a file already existing at the destination
path will be replaced by the new output. qtmodernizer will not replace the file at original source path used in the command.
-v | --verbose
Normally qtmodernizer only displays important error or warning messages. Specifying --verbose causes other information about the
modernization to be displayed on the command line. --infoonly implies --verbose.
-i | --infoonly
Causes qtmodernizer to display information about the tracks contained in the source file and what the modernization process would be
for each track (if any) but does not actually produce an output file.
qtmodernize legacy_movie.mov modern_movie.mov
Each legacy audio and video track would be re-encoded to a modern (H.264 or AAC) track with other tracks passed through. The resulting movie
is saved as modern_movie.mov
qtmodernize -p legacy_movie.mov modern_movie.mov
Legacy audio and video tracks would be re-encoded like in the above example but the resulting codecs would be ProRes for video and LPCM for
qtmodernize ~/Movies/legacy_movie.mov
This command will create a modernized movie in the ~/Movies directory named "legacy_movie-modernized.mov"
qtmodernizer command first appeared in Mac OS X 10.9.
Mac OS X June 2, 2019 Mac OS X