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avconvert(1) [osx man page]

AVCONVERT(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      AVCONVERT(1)

avconvert -- movie conversion tool SYNOPSIS
avconvert [-hvq] --p <preset_name> --s <source_media> --o <output_movie> DESCRIPTION
avconvert can be used to compress video media to different types for sharing on the web or loading onto devices. -h prints usage information and available presets -v sets the console output to verbose -q sets the console output to quiet -prog shows progress during the export (default with -v) -p | --preset name converts the source media to an output file using the specified preset. Use --listPresets to get the full list. Common presets are: PresetAppleM4VCellular PresetAppleM4ViPod PresetAppleM4VWiFi PresetAppleM4VAppleTV PresetAppleM4V480pSD PresetAppleM4V720pHD PresetAppleM4V1080pHD PresetAppleM4A -s | --source file is the source media file -o | --output file is the output movie file --listPresets lists all of the presets avconvert supports --listTracks lists the available tracks in the source media. Must be used with the --source flag OPTIONS
Optional flags to configure the audio export settings -adr number a limit value for the data rate for the audio track in bits per second -af fourCC sets the format of the audio output using a fourCC eg. aac -sr number configures the sample rate of the output in Hertz. eg. 44100 -cc number is the channel count of the output eg. 1 (for mono) 2 (stereo) 4 (quad) Optional flags to configure the video export settings -vdr number a limit value for the video data rate in bits per second -th number sets the height of the output video in pixels -tw number sets the width of the output video in pixels -vc fourCC sets the format of the video output using a fourCC eg. avc1 -fr number sets the frame rate of the output video in frames per second -kr number specifies how often keyframes appear in the output video -fr yes | no sets whether or not to enable frame reordering (b-frames) Optional flags configuring track and metadata output -ot name omits the listed track type from the exported movie Allowable track types are: videoTrack audioTrack subtitleTrack chapterTrack thumbnailTrack closedcaptionTrack textTrack -md file sets the file from which the metadata for the export is found if that is different from the source movie EXAMPLES
avconvert --listPresets Lists the available presets that can be used for export avconvert --preset AppleM4ViPod --source --output ipod_movie.m4v Exports the source movie "" to "ipod_movie.m4v" using the iPod encoding preset avconvert --preset AppleM4VAppleTV --source --output appletv_movie.m4v -adr 128000 -sr 441000 Overrides the AppleTV defaults for audio data rate and sample rate in the output movie avconvert --preset AppleM4VAppleTV --source --output appletv_movie.m4v -ot audioTrack Omits the audio track from the output file "appletv_movie.m4v" HISTORY
avconvert command first appeared in Mac OS X 10.7. Mac OS X December 14, 2011 Mac OS X

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AVCONVERT(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      AVCONVERT(1)

avconvert -- movie conversion tool SYNOPSIS
avconvert [-hvq] --p <preset_name> --s <source_media> --o <output_movie> DESCRIPTION
avconvert can be used to compress video media to different types for sharing on the web or loading onto devices. -h prints usage information and available presets -v sets the console output to verbose -q sets the console output to quiet -prog shows progress during the export (default with -v) -p | --preset name converts the source media to an output file using the specified preset. Use --listPresets to get the full list. Common presets are: PresetAppleM4VCellular PresetAppleM4ViPod PresetAppleM4VWiFi PresetAppleM4VAppleTV PresetAppleM4V480pSD PresetAppleM4V720pHD PresetAppleM4V1080pHD PresetAppleM4A -s | --source file is the source media file -o | --output file is the output movie file --listPresets lists all of the presets avconvert supports --listTracks lists the available tracks in the source media. Must be used with the --source flag OPTIONS
Optional flags to configure the audio export settings -adr number a limit value for the data rate for the audio track in bits per second -af fourCC sets the format of the audio output using a fourCC eg. aac -sr number configures the sample rate of the output in Hertz. eg. 44100 -cc number is the channel count of the output eg. 1 (for mono) 2 (stereo) 4 (quad) Optional flags to configure the video export settings -vdr number a limit value for the video data rate in bits per second -th number sets the height of the output video in pixels -tw number sets the width of the output video in pixels -vc fourCC sets the format of the video output using a fourCC eg. avc1 -fr number sets the frame rate of the output video in frames per second -kr number specifies how often keyframes appear in the output video -fr yes | no sets whether or not to enable frame reordering (b-frames) Optional flags configuring track and metadata output -ot name omits the listed track type from the exported movie Allowable track types are: videoTrack audioTrack subtitleTrack chapterTrack thumbnailTrack closedcaptionTrack textTrack -md file sets the file from which the metadata for the export is found if that is different from the source movie EXAMPLES
avconvert --listPresets Lists the available presets that can be used for export avconvert --preset AppleM4ViPod --source --output ipod_movie.m4v Exports the source movie "" to "ipod_movie.m4v" using the iPod encoding preset avconvert --preset AppleM4VAppleTV --source --output appletv_movie.m4v -adr 128000 -sr 441000 Overrides the AppleTV defaults for audio data rate and sample rate in the output movie avconvert --preset AppleM4VAppleTV --source --output appletv_movie.m4v -ot audioTrack Omits the audio track from the output file "appletv_movie.m4v" HISTORY
avconvert command first appeared in Mac OS X 10.7. Mac OS X December 14, 2011 Mac OS X
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