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avbdiagnose(1) [osx man page]

avbdiagnose(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					    avbdiagnose(1)

avbdiagnose -- This line parsed for whatis database. SYNOPSIS
avbdiagnose DESCRIPTION
The avbdiagnose tool is used to capture a snapshot of the current AVB system state and help diagnose common issues with AVB. avbdiagnose looks for the system to determine that it actually has AVB capable interfaces and that at least one of these has been enabled. avbdiagnose will produce a number of warnings which may not be errors depending on the setup of the system. Things such as missing local or remote attributes for MSRP will be flagged as a warning but is not an error if the Mac is not sourcing or sinking streams as appropriate for the warning. avbdiagnose will flag potential errors and warnings and suggest filing a radar report at Please attach the generated file at /tmp/avbdiagnose-<date>.bz2 to the bug report. An error or warning report may be the result of a network device. Please use your best judgement before filing the bug report. FILES
/tmp/avbdiagnose-<date>.bz2 output The information gathered by avbdiagnose including the command line output, an ioreg dump and the current system.log and kernel.log files. Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin

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sysdiagnose(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					    sysdiagnose(1)

sysdiagnose -- gathers system-wide diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance issues. SYNOPSIS
sysdiagnose -h sysdiagnose [-f results_directory] [-t] [-q] [-b] [process_name | pid] DESCRIPTION
sysdiagnose tool gathers system diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance issues. A great deal of information is harvested, spanning system state and configuration. sysdiagnose needs to be run as root. sysdiagnose can be triggered upon pressing a spe- cial key chord; this is currently Control-Option-Command-Shift-Period. What sysdiagnose Collects: o A spindump of the system o Several seconds of fs_usage ouput o Several seconds of top output o Data about kernel zones o Status of loaded kernel extensions o Resident memory usage of user processes o All system logs, kernel logs, opendirectory log, windowserver log, and log of power management events o A System Profiler report o All spin and crash reports o Disk usage information o I/O Kit registry information o Network status o If a specific process is supplied as an argument: list of malloc-allocated buffers in the process's heap is collected o If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about unreferenced malloc buffers in the process's memory is collected o If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about the virtual memory regions allocated in the process OPTIONS
-h Print full usage. -f results_directory Specify the directory where the results will be stored. The default results directory is /var/tmp. -q Skips calling footprint. -t Enable "Thorough Mode". See below. -b Do not show the resulting archive in a Finder window upon completion. process_name | pid If a single process appears to be slowing down the system, passing in the process name or ID as the argument gathers additional process-specific diagnostic data. THOROUGH MODE
sysdiagnose can be run in a "Thorough Mode" in which standard data is gathered as well as a kernel trace. Enabling "Thorough Mode" for the command-line sysdiagnose and key-chord sysdiagnose are independent and are performed as follows: For "Thorough Mode" in the command-line sysdiagnose use the "-t" flag. To enable "Thorough Mode" for special key-chord launches of sysdiagnose execute "touch /var/tmp/.thoroughsysdiagnose" To disable "Thorough Mode" for special key-chord launches of sysdiagnose execute "rm /var/tmp/.thoroughsysdiagnose" Note: Gathering the kernel trace can increase the size of sysdiagnose output by hundreds of MB as well as increase the time for sysdiagnose to com- plete. EXIT STATUS
sysdiagnose exits with status 0 if there were no internal errors encountered during the diagnostic, or >0 when an error unrelated to external state occurs or unusable input is provided by the user. Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin
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