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audiosend(1) [osx man page]

audiosend(1)						      General Commands Manual						      audiosend(1)

audiosend - Send an audio email message SYNOPSIS
audiosend [addr] DESCRIPTION
The audiosend program will allow a user on a properly-equipped workstation to send an audio fragment as electronic mail. If an argument is provided, it will be used as the To address. Otherwise, the user will be asked to provide the To address. In any event, the user will be prompted for the Subject and CC fields. Audiosend will then let the user record his message. Afterwards, the user will be given the options of delivering the mail, listening to the message, re-recording the message, or aborting. ENVIRONMENT
The RECORD_AUDIO environment variable can be set to the name of a program that records audio, sending the digital audio to standard output. SEE ALSO
audiocompose(1), mailto(1), metamail(1), metasend(1), mmencode(1), showaudio(1) BUGS
Currently only works on Sun & Sony workstations equipped with microphones. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this material without the specific, prior written permission of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. AUTHOR
Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Bellcore Release 1 audiosend(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

patch-metamail(1)					      General Commands Manual						 patch-metamail(1)

patch-metamail - Install a patch to the latest metamail release SYNOPSIS
patch-metamail source-tree-root patch-number [hostname [dirname [prefix]]] DESCRIPTION
The patch-metamail program will attempt to retreive a patch file for the metamail distribution, using anonymous ftp to a trusted server, and then install that patch in your local copy of the distribution. The first two arguments, which are required, are the root directory of your local copy of the metamail source directory, and the patch num- ber. The former is site-dependent, the latter is patch-dependent. In general, patch-metamail is intended to be called via metamail, with a mailcap entry like the following: application/x-metamail-patch;patch-metamail source-tree-root %{patchnumber}; needsterminal The default values for the host to ftp to, the directory name to retrieve the file from, and the patch file name prefix are hard-wired to, pub/nsb, and "mm.patch.". While you can override these on the command line, it would be a big mistake to make these parameterized based on the contents of a mail message, because then someone could spoof you into retrieving a new version of metamail with a Trojan horse from their site! However, as long as you retain control over what host and directory the patches are retrieved from, this program is reasonably safe (as safe as the host you're depending on, anyway). SEE ALSO
metamail(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this material without the specific, prior written permission of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. AUTHOR
Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Bellcore Release 1 patch-metamail(1)
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