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apm(1) [osx man page]

APM(1)																	    APM(1)

apm - interface with the APM subsystem SYNOPSIS
apm [ -VvmMsSdin ] DESCRIPTION
This command requires the Advanced Power Management subsystem. If run without arguments it reads /proc/apm and presents the output in a human-readable format. Given a -S or -s option it requests that the machine be put into the APM standby or the APM suspend state, respectively. For a brief description of these states, see apmd(8). OPTIONS
-V, --version Print the version of the program and exit. -v, --verbose Also print version information for the APM subsystem. The APM subsystem consists of power-management hardware, firmware usually referred to as the APM BIOS and a driver in the operating system kernel. -m, --minutes Print the time remaining as a number of minutes. The default is to print the time remaining in "hours:minutes" format. -M, --monitor Continuously monitor and update the status information. Assumes that the standard output is a terminal. -S, --standby Request that the machine be put into the APM standby state. -s, --suspend Request that the machine be put into the APM suspend state. -d, --debug Print APM status information in a format more useful for debugging. Implies -v. FILES
/proc/apm AUTHOR
This program was written by Rik Faith ( and may be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for this program. The current maintainer is Avery Pennarun ( SEE ALSO
xapm(1), apmd(8). January 2004 APM(1)

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APM(1)																	    APM(1)

apm - interface with the APM subsystem SYNOPSIS
apm [ -VvmMsSdin ] DESCRIPTION
This command requires the Advanced Power Management subsystem. If run without arguments it reads /proc/apm and presents the output in a human-readable format. Given a -S or -s option it requests that the machine be put into the APM standby or the APM suspend state, respectively. For a brief description of these states, see apmd(8). OPTIONS
-V, --version Print the version of the program and exit. -v, --verbose Also print version information for the APM subsystem. The APM subsystem consists of power-management hardware, firmware usually referred to as the APM BIOS and a driver in the operating system kernel. -m, --minutes Print the time remaining as a number of minutes. The default is to print the time remaining in "hours:minutes" format. -M, --monitor Continuously monitor and update the status information. Assumes that the standard output is a terminal. -S, --standby Request that the machine be put into the APM standby state. -s, --suspend Request that the machine be put into the APM suspend state. -d, --debug Print APM status information in a format more useful for debugging. Implies -v. FILES
/proc/apm AUTHOR
This program was written by Rik Faith ( and may be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for this program. The current maintainer is Avery Pennarun ( SEE ALSO
xapm(1), apmd(8). January 2004 APM(1)
Man Page

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