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suiword(9r) [osf1 man page]

suiword(9r)															       suiword(9r)

suiword - General: Writes a word into user instruction address space NOTES
The suiword routine is for use on machines that have separate address spaces for code and data. Because the Alpha architecture does not have separate address spaces for code and data, suiword is mapped to suword. The suiword routine is provided for compatibility reasons. See the routine description for suword for a complete description of suiword. suiword(9r)

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STORE(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						  STORE(9)

store, subyte, suibyte, suiword, sulong, suulong, suword -- store data to user-space SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/resourcevar.h> int subyte(user_addr_t addr, int byte); int suibyte(user_addr_t addr, int byte); int suiword(user_addr_t addr, int word); int sulong(user_addr_t addr, int64_t longword); int suulong(user_addr_t addr, uint64_t longword); int suword(user_addr_t addr, int word); DESCRIPTION
The store functions are designed to copy small amounts of data to user-space. The store routines provide the following functionality: subyte() Stores a byte of data to the user-space address addr. suibyte() Stores a byte of data to the user-space address addr. This function is safe to call during an interrupt context. suiword() Stores a word of data to the user-space address addr. This function is safe to call during an interrupt context. sulong() Stores a long word of data to the user-space address addr. suulong() Stores a unsigned long word of data to the user-space address addr. suword() Stores a word of data to the user-space address addr. RETURN VALUES
The store functions return 0 on success or -1 on failure. SEE ALSO
copy(9), fetch(9) BSD
December 16, 2004 BSD
Man Page

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