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simple_lock(9r) [osf1 man page]

simple_lock(9r) 														   simple_lock(9r)

simple_lock - General: Asserts a simple lock SYNOPSIS
#include <kern/lock.h> void simple_lock( simple_lock_t slock_ptr ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies a pointer to a simple lock structure. You can declare this simple lock structure by using the decl_simple_lock_data routine. DESCRIPTION
The simple_lock routine asserts a lock with exclusive access for the resource associated with the specified slock structure pointer. This means that no other kernel thread can gain access to the locked resource until you call simple_unlock to release it. Because simple locks are spin locks, simple_lock does not return until the lock has been obtained. NOTES
You must call simple_lock_init (once only) prior to calling simple_lock to initialize the simple lock structure for the resource. A resource, from the kernel module's standpoint, is data that more than one kernel thread can manipulate. You can store the resource in global variables and in data structure members. RETURN VALUES
Routines: decl_simple_lock_data(9r), simple_lock_init(9r), simple_lock_terminate(9r), simple_lock_try(9r), simple_unlock(9r) Data Structures: slock(9s) simple_lock(9r)

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lock_write(9r)															    lock_write(9r)

lock_write - Asserts a complex lock with write access SYNOPSIS
#include <kern/lock.h> void lock_write( lock_t lock_structptr ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies a pointer to the complex lock structure, lock. This is the lock structure associated with the resource on which you want to assert a complex lock with write access. The lock structure is an opaque data structure; that is, its associated members are referenced and manipulated by the operating system and not by the user of the complex lock mechanism. DESCRIPTION
The lock_write routine asserts a lock with exclusive write access for the resource associated with the specified lock structure pointer. This means that once a write lock is asserted, no other kernel thread can gain read or write access to the resource until it is released. To release a complex write lock successfully asserted by lock_write, call the lock_done routine. NOTES
You must call lock_init (once only) prior to calling lock_write to initialize the lock structure pointer for the resource. A resource, from the kernel module's standpoint, is data that more than one kernel thread can manipulate. You can store the resource in global vari- ables and in data structure members. RETURN VALUES
Routines: lock_done(9r), lock_read(9r), lock_terminate(9r), lock_try_read(9r), lock_try_write(9r) Data Structures: lock(9s) lock_write(9r)
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