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queue_init(9r) [osf1 man page]

queue_init(9r)															    queue_init(9r)

queue_init - General: Initializes the specified queue SYNOPSIS
void queue_init( queue_t queue_pointer ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies a pointer to a queue_entry structure. This structure contains a links member that specifies a queue_entry structure. This struc- ture contains a generic doubly linked list (queue). DESCRIPTION
The queue_init routine initializes the specified queue. Kernel modules call this routine prior to calling select_enqueue to initialize the links member of the sel_queue data structure. This member specifies a queue_entry structure. This structure contains a generic doubly linked list (queue). RETURN VALUES
Kernel routines: select_enqueue(9r) Data Structures: sel_queue(9s) queue_init(9r)

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bcanput(9r)															       bcanput(9r)

bcanput - STREAMS: Tests for flow control in a specified priority band SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> int bcanput( queue_t *message_queue, unsigned char pri ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies a pointer to the message queue. The typedef queue_t is an alternate name for struct queue_entry *. Specifies the priority of the message. DESCRIPTION
The bcanput interface, like the canput interface, searches through the stream (starting at the message queue identified by the mes- sage_queue argument) until it finds a queue that contains a service interface where the message can be enqueued or until it reaches the end of the stream. If bcanput finds a service interface in a queue, it tests the queue to determine if there is space in the queue to accommo- date a message. If the queue is full, bcanput sets the q_flag member of the queue_entry structure pointer (the message queue) to the con- stant QWANTW to back-enable the caller's service interface. If the pri argument is zero(0), bcanput calls the canput interface, which performs the task of checking for space in the message queue. NOTES
You are responsible for both testing a queue with bcanput and not placing a message on the queue if bcanput fails. RETURN VALUES
The bcanput interface returns a value of 1 if a message of priority pri can be placed on the message queue, or if the band does not yet exist on the queue. The interface returns a value of zero(0) if the priority band is flow-controlled. SEE ALSO
Kernel Routines: canput(9r), putbq(9r), putnext(9r) Programmer's Guide: STREAMS bcanput(9r)
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