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cfg_query(9r) [osf1 man page]

cfg_query(9r)															     cfg_query(9r)

cfg_query - General: Determines the values of selected subsystem attributes SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/sysconfig.h> ); cfg_status_t cfg_query( char *subsys, cfg_attr_t *attributes, uint nattributes ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies the name of the subsystem to be queried. Contains information, such as attribute name, about the list of attributes being queried. The array must have (nattributes + 1) cfg_attr_t structures with the attribute name of the last one being set to a null string. Specifies the number of attributes in the attributes argument being queried. DESCRIPTION
The cfg_query( ) routine obtains information about a list of subsystem attributes. You can obtain information about one or more attributes. When your application calls the cfg_query( ) routine, it passes the subsystem name and a list of attribute names to the system. The system reads this information, determines the validity of the information about the named attributes, and returns the attribute value and a suc- cess status or an error status. When your application calls the cfg_query( ) routine, it passes a list of attribute names. The application passes this information in an array of structures of type cfg_attr_t. For information about this structure, see the cfg_subsys_query(3) reference page. RETURN VALUES
This routine returns 32-bit status values composed of subsystem status and framework status segments. The upper 16 bits is the subsystem status (CFG_STATUS_SUBSYS) and the lower 16 bits is the frame status (CFG_STATUS_FRAME). The return values are organized as follows: [Upper subsystem 16 bits][Lower framework 16 bits] The subsystem status is returned by the subsystem's configure routine and can be any error in errno.h. The framework status is returned by the configuration framework; the possible values are defined in <sys/sysconfig.h> as CFG_FRAME_Exxx. A successful operation has ESUCCESS(0) returned in both status segments. See the cfg_errno(9r) and errno(2) reference pages for more details about error numbers and status. EXAMPLE
A subsystem may be queried using the cfg_query routine as follows: cfg_attr_t attributes[2]; cfg_status_t retval; int i; int nattributes; /*****************************************************/ /* Initialize attribute names for the request */ strcpy (attributes[0].name, "maxmounts"); attributes[0].type = CFG_ATTR_INTTYPE; attributes[0].attr.num.val = 30; nattributes = 1; attributes[1].name[0] = ''; /***************************************************/ /* Call the cfg_query() routine */ retval = cfg_query("lvm", attributes, nattributes); if (retval != CFG_SUCCESS) print_error (retval); else { for (i=0; i<1; i++) { if (attributes[i].status != CFG_ATTR_SUCCESS) { printf("%s:", attributes[i].name); switch (attributes[i].status){ case CFG_ATTR_EEXISTS: printf("unknown attribute "); break; case CFG_ATTR_EOP: printf("attribute does not allow this operation "); break; . . . default: printf("unknown error "); break; } } } } For extracting attribute values of error status, refer to /usr/examples/cfgmgr/sample_app.c. SEE ALSO
Routines: cfg_subsys_query(3), cfg_configure(9r), cfg_errno(9r), cfg_reconfigure(9r), cfg_subsysop(9r), cfg_unconfigure(9r) Other: errno(2), cfg_query(9r)

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libcfg(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 libcfg(3)

libcfg - Introduction to the Configuration Management Library DESCRIPTION
The configuration management library (libcfg.a) provides routines that allow applications to manage static and dynamic kernel subsystems. Applications use the libcfg routines to communicate with the configuration management server (cfgmgr) and kernel subsystems. The configura- tion management library provides the following services: Adding and removing configurable subsystems from the kernel Displaying or modify- ing the value of kernel subsystem parameters Displaying information about the available subsystems and their states Accessing system_spe- cific entries in the kernel, such as performing subsystem-defined operations For example, you might use the library to create an application that manages a loadable device driver. Another example that uses the rou- tines in libcfg is the sysconfig command. This command calls libcfg routines to allow system administrators to manage dynamically config- urable kernel subsystems. (For more information, see the sysconfig(8)) This reference page introduces the library and provides information about the following topics: The purpose of the routines in the library The cfg_attr_t data type, which you need to understand in order to use the library How to handle error codes returned from the library For information about creating configurable kernel subsystems, see the Programmer's Guide and Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial. Routines in the Configuration Management Library The library includes routines that allow you to perform the following tasks on local and remote systems: Connect to the configuration man- agement server on a remote host (cfg_connect()) Determine the state of a subsystem (cfg_subsys_state()) Obtain a list of subsystems and their states (cfg_subsys_list()) Configure the specified subsystem for use (cfg_subsys_config()) Determine the value of all attributes for a specified subsystem (cfg_subsys_query_all()) Determine the value of a specified subsystem attribute or list of attributes (cfg_sub- sys_query()) Modify the value of a specified subsystem attribute or list of attributes (cfg_subsys_reconfig()) Determine the /etc/syscon- figtab value for all attributes of a subsystem (cfg_subsys_defaults_all()) Determine the /etc/sysconfigtab value for selected attributes of a subsystem (cfg_subsys_defaults()) Perform an operation that is specific to and defined by the subsystem (cfg_subsys_op()) Unconfigure the specified subsystem (cfg_subsys_unconfig()) Remove the connection to the remote host (cfg_disconnect()) Sending and Receiving Subsystem Attribute Data When you call one of the routines that manipulate subsystem attributes you communicate with the system using an attribute list. The <sys/sysconfig.h> header file declares the cfg_attr_t data type specifically for passing information about attributes. As shown in the example that follows, each element of this list carries information about one subsystem attribute: typedef struct cfg_attr { char name[CFG_ATTR_NAME_SZ]; uchar type; uchar operation; uint status; long index; union { struct { caddr_t val; ulong min_len; ulong max_len; void (*disposal)(); }str; struct { caddr_t val; ulong min_size; ulong max_size; void (*disposal)(); ulong val_size; }bin; struct { ulong val; ulong min_val; ulong max_val; }num; }attr; }cfg_attr_t; The following list describes the elements of the cfg_attr_t datatype: The name field specifies the name of the attribute. The name is defined by the subsystem and is a string of alphabetic characters, at least two characters long and no longer than the value stored in the CFG_ATTR_NAME_SZ constant. This constant is defined in the <sys/sysconfig.h> header file. The type field specifies the data type of the attribute, as shown in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type Name Description ----------------------------------------------------------------- CFG_ATTR_STRTYPE Null terminated array of characters (char*) CFG_ATTR_INTTYPE 32 bit signed number (int) CFG_ATTR_UINTTYPE 32 bit unsigned number (unsigned int) CFG_ATTR_LONGTYPE 64 bit signed number (long) CFG_ATTR_ULONGTYPE 64 bit unsigned number (unsigned long) CFG_ATTR_BINTYPE Array of bytes ----------------------------------------------------------------- The status field contains one of the predefined status codes listed in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Code Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CFG_ATTR_EEXISTS Attribute does not exist CFG_ATTR_EINDEX Invalid attribute index CFG_ATTR_ELARGE Attribute value or size is too large CFG_ATTR_EMEM No memory available for the attribute CFG_ATTR_EOP Attribute does not support the requested opera- tion CFG_ATTR_ESMALL Attribute value or size is too small CFG_ATTR_ESUBSYS Subsystem failure (Code within the subsystem returned an error) CFG_ATTR_ETYPE Invalid attribute type or mismatched attribute type CFG_ATTR_SUCCESS Successful operation CFG_ATTR_ENOTNUMBER Attribute value cannot be converted to a number ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The operation field contains one of the operation codes listed in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Request Code Meaning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CFG_OP_QUERY The application requests a query of the current value of the attribute CFG_OP_RECONFIGURE The application requests a change to the value of the current value of the attribute ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The index field is an index into a structured attribute. The attr union contains the value of the attribute and its maximum and minimum values. For attributes with the CFG_ATTR_STRTYPE data type, the val variable contains the pointer to the string data. The minimum and maximum val- ues are the minimum and maximum lengths allowed for the string. The disposal variable is used internally by subsystems. For attributes with the CFG_ATTR_BINTYPE data type, the val field contains a pointer to the binary value. The minimum and maximum values are the minimum number of bytes allowed for the binary data. The disposal variable is used internally by subsystems. For numerical data types, the val variable contains an integer value. The minimum and maximum values specify the range of values that is allowed for the attribute. Handling Error Return Values All configuration management library routines return a status of type cfg_status_t. To determine whether a call was successful, you com- pare this status to the CFG_SUCCESS constant. If a routine returns an error, the error might have occurred during the execution of kernel subsystem code, configuration management code, or both. You can use the CFG_STATUS_SUBSYS() and CFG_STATUS_FRAME() macros to extract the subsystem status and framework status, respec- tively, from the return value. All framework errors are defined in the <sys/sysconfig.h> header file as CFG_FRAME_??? The following example shows an error handler that determines and reports errors that occur during the execution of a configuration manage- ment library routine: #include <errno.h> #include <sys/sysconfig.h> void print_error( cfg_status_t status) { int subsys_status=CFG_STATUS_SUBSYS(status); /*****************************************************************/ /* Report the status of configuration management software */ /* */ switch (CFG_STATUS_FRAME(status)){ case CFG_FRAME_SUCCESS: break; case CFG_FRAME_EEXISTS: printf("framework error: subsystem not loaded/found "); break . . . case CFG_FRAM_EATTRLIST: printf("framework error: bad attribute list "); break; default: printf("framework error: unknown %d " CFG_STATUS_FRAME(status)) break; } /****************************************************************/ /* Report the status of the kernel subsystem */ /* */ if (subsys_status != ESUCCESS) { if (subsys_status > 0 && subsys_status < sys_nerr && sys_errlist [subsys_status]) printf("subsystem error: %s " ,sys_errlist[subsys_status]); else printf("subsystem error %d: unknown status " subsys_status); } } In this example, the configuration manager status is supplied as the controlling expression for the switch statement. The various status constants shown are defined in the <sys/sysconfig.h> file. The example omits some constants, but you should include them all in your error handling routine. To see an example routine for displaying errors, refer to the /usr/examples/cfgmgr/sample_app.c file. The subsystem status is included in an if statement and the body of the if statement is executed for error returns. If the subsystem sta- tus is equal to a system status defined in <sys/errno.h>, the message associated with that status is displayed. Otherwise, the unknown sta- tus message is displayed. If the subsystem defines its own error codes, those error codes should be included. Note that the absolute value of a subsystem error must be less than 2^15-1 or 32767. RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: cfgmgr(8), sysconfig(8) Routines: cfg_connect(3), cfg_disconnect(3), cfg_subsys_config(3), cfg_subsys_defaults(3), cfg_subsys_defaults_all(3), cfg_subsys_list(3), cfg_subsys_op(3), cfg_subsys_query(3), cfg_subsys_query_all(3), cfg_subsys_reconfig(3), cfg_subsys_state(3), cfg_subsys_unconfig(3), knlist(3) Files: sysconfigtab(4) Programmer's Guide Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial delim off delim off libcfg(3)
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